Chapter 26 Well...That's one way to bring in the new year.

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Remember when I said I was done with parties? Yeah well I lied. I'm a teenager, I got invited to a New Years Eve party at Megan's house. What would you do? Right.

So it's the 31st and I'm getting dressed at mom's house. I had bought a new pair of really cool and comfy black jeans and a gray v-neck shirt just for this night. Scott's going to be at the party as well, but we won't be together.

Which is weird. We've always went to parties together, always. Except for that one night when I you know, 'met' Aaron. Sigh. But since we're on a break now, I'm kind of like a free agent, or whatever.

It dosen't mean I'm going to hook up with dudes now. I'm not like that. I guess it's like a trial period to see and remember what it feels like to be single again. Alyssa already texted and said she wasn't going because Aaron had asked to meet her somewhere so they could talk.

I wanted to have fun tonight, so I wasn't going to think about what exactly they might be talking about. Who wants to dissolve into tears on New Years Eve? Not me.

I did my makeup and hair, finished that and went downstairs to say goodbye to my mom. "Oh bunny rabbit you look beautiful!" She said and pulled me into a hug. "I don't beautiful is the word I would use mom, but thanks." I replied.

She shook her head. "Honey you are beautiful, maybe you have bad eyesight, that's why you don't think so." She mused. I smiled. Benji came out from the kitchen and nodded.

"She's right Chloe, you look pretty, all my friends think you're hot." he said. "Oh my God, is that why they're constantly trying to break into my room?" I demanded. He just laughed.

"Okay, I'm pretty, whatever. Can I please go now?" I asked and pulled on my jacket. It was chilly out. "Yes dear, you may go. Have fun and call if you need anything." mom said. "I will mom." I said and left.

Whenever it snows out I end up driving like an old lady, so it took me a little bit to get to Megan's house. But I made it there eventually. Her house was all decked out in Christmas lights and wreaths still.

Lots of people were there, but not quite as many as the party at Courtney's. As I walked in I checked the driveway but couldn't spot Scott's truck. I was kind of thankful for that. I didn't want some kind of awkward scene.

"Hey Chloe, glad you could make it!" Megan greeted me at the door. "Wouldn't have missed it." I replied. "There's refreshments and party favors over there, and I have three different tvs set up to watch the ball drop at midnight, have fun!" She said.

"Thanks." I walked around for a bit, had some snacks, talked with friends, stayed clear of any kind of punch. I danced a little and then checked the clock. Not quite midnight yet.

I was walking through the crowd when I seen the back of Aaron's head. I called out to him but the music was too loud. He was heading upstairs so I decided to follow him. Once I got up the stairs I lost track of him for a moment before walking down one of the hallways.

He was in a den sitting on a couch watching the New Year's special. I went in and closed the door behind me. "Hey Aaron." I said.

"Chloe, hey, wow, what are you doing here?" He asked, all surprised. "Uh, Megan invited me..." "Oh right, duh, sorry. I meant, what are you doing up here?" he asked.

He looked so...Good. Even better than his usual sexiness. That was really saying something. "I actually followed you." I said, feeling ready to blush. He smiled. "Here, come sit." He said and patted the spot next to him.

I hesitated. It was such a tempting offer. "It's okay Chloe I don't bite...Actually yes I do. So I completely understand if you want to keep your distance." He said with a devilish smirk. I sat down next to him.

We were silent for a few minutes. "So...Where's Scott?" He asked. He was close enough for me to smell his cologne. Whatever it was smelled intoxicating.

"Oh, I'm sure he's with his friends or something." I said. That smell was clouding my thoughts. Ugh, this boy is going to drive me crazy.

"Huh, I figured since it's a holiday you two would be attached at the hip." He mused. "Um, we're on a break." I said. Why did his lip ring have to jut out like that? Why can't I stop looking at him? He turned to look at me.

"A break?" he repeated. "Yeah." I mumbled and glanced at him. "That's...That um, well hmm." He muttered and looked back at the tv. He didn't seem to know what to say. After a long moment he sat up a little straighter (A little closer) and spoke.

"Chloe, earlier I...I broke up with Alyssa." I thought my ears had stopped working. "What?" I asked, treading carefully. "It wasn't working out, I never thought it would anyways. But she was so insistant on us going out that I just gave in." he explained.

I couldn't believe it. Like a late Christmas present. "Was she okay?" it was the only thing I could think of to say. He shrugged, one of his shoulders nugding mine.

"She was a bit upset but I think she understood...Or at least, I hope she does." he said. My mind was racing. Aaron was single, Scott and I were on a break. I don't usually believe in fate and other crap but come on.

Aaron slid slightly closer, if it even possible, and slid his hand into mine. "Is that okay?" He asked. "mm hmm." Was all I could manage. My heart was flying. "Chloe?" He whispered. He was staring into my eyes.

"Yes?" I whispered back. "I...we...You looked incredible." That was it. I don't know who's lips met who's first but I didn't care. The second our lips touched my mind went blissfully blank.

All I wanted was him. I had been wanting to kiss Aaron for such a long time, I figured that when I finally did I would feel relieved. But I felt the total opposite. I wanted more kisses, more of his touches. Enough was just not enough.

His arms went up and around my back pulling me tightly against him. Not at all uncomfotable though. It was the whole forrest fire affect again. Everywhere he was burned wonderfully. My hands turned into claws in his hair.

"Chloe." he groaned against my throat. My toes curled hearing him speak my name that way. This boy is amazing. He pulled back a bit and looked into my eyes. His were blazing.

"God you're amazing." he said before going back to my lips. I wrapped my legs around his waist. I could feel the evidence of what I was doing to him and felt a rush of pleasure. I was turning him on.

One of his hands roamed over my chest, making me moan, while the other cupped the side of my face. He pulled slightly back again.

"You have no idea how long I've been wanting to kiss you like this Chloe, no idea." he said and brushed the hair out of my face with his fingers. "Me too Aaron." I said, trying to catch my breath. I went for another kiss but He leaned out of my way.

"Really?" He asked, fighting a smile. "Yes really." I chuckled. He looked pleased. "Huh, here I was thinking that this connection between us was just in my head and the whole time you've actually been wanting me as much as I've wanting you." He said.

I can't explain what his words were doing to me, it was incredible. "I've probably been wanting you more." I teased and kissed the tip of his nose. "I seriously doubt that." he said and leaned back down to touch his lips gently to mine.

Just the lightest touch had me straining for more. "Woah Chloe, I had no idea you were such a wild woman." He chuckled. Just then some drunk guy and girl barged into the room.

"Woops! Sorry to break up some lovebirds but we wanna watch the highlights." The guy slurred. I looked at the tv and realized that we had completely missed the ball drop and it was already ten after midnight. How long had we been making out?

I sat up and tried to untangle myself from Aaron, but he kept hold of my hand. The couple ploppled down on the other end of the couch. Aaron looked majorely pissed. "Come on." I muttered and lead him out of the room. We went down the stairs out onto the front porch for some privacy.

Once we got there Aaron looked into my eyes, like he was searching for something. He was still holding my hand. "Chloe?" he said. I looked away. I knew what was coming and I wasn't ready for it. "Chloe, what does this mean for us?" Well there it was. He wanted an explanation, but I didn't have one. I didn't know what I was going to do. 

One Night Could Change Everything (Teen Love Story) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now