Chapter 39 The truth and everything else in life.

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I woke up early the next morning, mostly because Scott was snoring so loudly that I couldn't sleep any more. I tossed one of my pillows over at him but he just turned over in his bed and snored away.

I decided to get dressed and go down to the kitchen for breakfast. A few people were up already, eating at the table, and out on the deck. I made some toast and sat on the shore by the water. It was peacful this early.

The water shining, the waves hitting the bank, the birds doing their morning calls. It was so nice, except that I couldn't really enjoy it because of how crappy I felt. Either tonight, or some time this week Scott was going to bring up the little 'surprises' I had found in his bag.

And I wasn't prepared to respond. I was dreading having to turn him down...Again. A while ago I thought sleeping with Scott was what I wanted. But after meeting Aaron and realizing that it's possible to love more than one person...

Things have just changed. Obviously I love Scott, otherwise this wouldn't bother me so much. I want to wait though. Until I know for absolute sure that everything is right, I'm waiting.

If Scott can't wait then....Well I'll firgure that out if it happens. I finished my toast and threw the crusts to a squirrel. Last night I had made up my mind to call and talk this all out with Aaron, but now I'm hesitant. He has feelings for me, (Not entirely sure what kind of feelings exactly, but feelings just the same.)

Would he be hurt if I told him I was troubled over whether or not I should sleep with the guy he had, on many occasions called an idiot? Would he think I was mocking or testing how far the limits of our friendship could go? Sigh.

Only one way to find out... Without really thinking I pulled out my phone and dialed his number. Please don't let him hate me for needing him. Please-

"Hello?" Crap, I think I woke him up. "Hey there, I didn't wake you up did I?" "Oh, not really, I had to sleep in a tent with my cousin, I was up half the night punching him for snoring anyways. What's up?"

"Well a bunch of stuff actually, but I want to hear about your trip so far, having fun?" I asked. He chuckled. "Surprisingly, aside from the train-like snoring, I'm having a bit of fun, if you can believe it." I smiled.

"So are you turning out to be a moutain man afterall?" "Possibly, like I said before, nature is beautiful. How are things at the cabin?" I didn't speak for a moment. "Hmm..Your silence is making me worry, did something happen?" he asked.

"I...Not really, nothing bad. Alyssa, well we kind of had a confrontation..." "What did she say?" "She basically threatened to tell Scott about what happened between us again, and told me I was a bitch for coming up here with him like nothing was wrong." I explained dully.

"She seriously called you a bitch?" he asked. "Yeah, right to my face, she has guts." I said with a humorless laugh.

"Wow...Well that wasn't very nice of her, and by the way, you're not a bitch." "Mh hm." "Chloe?" "Yes?" "You don't think you're a bitch do you, because, you. Are. Not." "Whatever you say.."

"Chloe come on, you're not. You are like one of the nicest people I know, would a bad person invite me to spend a major holiday with their family, hm? Or actually get torn up over seven mintues in heaven, or-"

"Okay, gosh, I get it I'm wonderful, just stop talking about it!" I said. "Sorry, but I just don't like you getting down on yourself, especially when you don't deserve it." He said. "Yeah I know." I sighed. Sun was starting to rise more, warming up the sand.

"Now, you originally called to talk about something, right?" "Yes..." "Well I'm free to listen, whatever it is." "Are you absolutely sure about that?" "Woah, now I'm worried, what's going on?" "Will you just promise to listen and help me out, as only my fill in best friend please?" I asked.

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