Chapter 45 Up, up, and away.

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Kissing Aaron had been such a bad idea. I knew it was the second our lips met. But had I cared? Nope. For once after we kissed I didn't actually feel as bad about it. Sure I had initially cried. More from shock and guilt I think.

But while he held me, I generally didn't feel anything other than content. Content in another guys arms... Ugh.

 Did that make me the worlds worst girlfriend? I'm assuming so. After we held eachother for an unknown period of time we got up, untangled our limbs, and looked at one another.

His exspression was worried. My face was probably red and blotchy from crying like a baby. I seriously needed to work on spontaniously bursting into tears. Especially around Aaron. He was probably going to start thinking I'm some unstable mess.

Which...I suppose, is kind of accurate. "Chloe what does...I don't..." He kept trying to talk but seemed to be at a loss. I didn't blame him for being confused. I was as well.

He took a deep breath and finally spoke. "Chloe I really don't understand what happened, I mean, you told me you were happily made up with Scott, but I kiss you and you say you wanted me to...I just don't get what you want."

"I'm sorry about all of this Aaron." I sighed. He shook his head. "All you do lately is apologize, and you don't have to, at least not to me. Save your sorrys for Scott." He said while rubbing the back of his neck.

The front door buzzed multiple times letting me know that a few customers had come in. I shouldn't leave Mark with all the work, but I didn't want Aaron to go without talking to him. The door buzzed again, making Aaron sigh.

"Go help, we...We can talk at school or something." He muttered. I bit my lip. Aaron deserved some kind of explaination. The door buzzed yet again.

"Okay then, see you at school" I said. Why did people choose to come into the store now? Aaron went to leave but turned back to glance at me, seeming to think something over. For a moment he looked at me then bent to press a soft kiss to my forehead.

I closed my eyes, enjoying the warmth. It only lasted a few brief moments and he was gone. Why did my chest have to ache so terribly watching him leave?

The rest of my shift at the pet store flew by in a blur. My boss let me leave early (Bless him). I basically went home, ate a bunch of graham crackers covered in chocolate frosting, and then spent the rest of the night trying my best not to vomit.

I took some medicine and fell into a coma-like sleep. I literally spent all of my saturday cursing myself for eating so many sweets and getting sick.

I kind of kept my phone away like it was a dangerous animal that would bite at any second. I was over dramatic. But I couldn't bring myself to even check it.

What could I possibly say to Scott right now? To Aaron? Talking to Alyssa would be nice, but I'd rather do that in person. Once Sunday rolled around I regretted wasting my whole Saturday doing nothing.

I got up early and decided my phone wasn't a monster and checked it. Only two missed calls from Alyssa and one from Scott. None from Aaron. I hadn't expected him to call anyway.

I called Alyssa and was invited over to her house with Megan to spend the night. "We have school tomorrow 'Lyss." I said. "That's fine, we can all go to school together in the morning." She said. I wasn't sure, I usually stayed up pretty late at her house, I could use a decent night sleep.

But on the other hand, I really wanted to fill her in on what happened between me and Aaron... "Oh come on Chloe, we used to have girls nights all the time!" She persisted.

Eventually I gave in and had my mom take me over. Megan was already there. We changed into our pajamas and gathered in Alyssa's family room. I grabbed my pillow and got comfortable on one end of the couch, Alyssa and Megan on the other end.

"So what should we do first?" Alyssa mused, turning on the tv. "Gossip!" Megan suggested. "Hm gossip huh? Sounds like a good idea, have any Chloe?" I bit my lip, hesitating.

"Well it's not exactly gossip, but something uh...Happened while I was at work on Friday..." "Oh my gosh spill!" Megan practially squealed. "Alright.."

I wasted no time filling them in, describing absolutely everything that had happened. Alyssa stared at me, clearly shocked. Megan's face was too comical to even describe. She loved drama and all the crap that came with it.

Once I was finished I shrunk behind my pillow waiting for their reactions. "Chloe." Alyssa mumbled, looking dumbstruck. "I know." I sighed and buried my face.

"But you and Scott 'just' got back to normal, you made up, I thought that's what you wanted!" "I know." I repeated. "You actually told Aaron that you wanted to kiss him?" Megan asked. I nodded.

"Wow, is it weird that I'm kind of impressed?" She said, a look of wonder of her face. Alyssa smakced her shoulder. "This is not something to be impressed with Meg, God! Chloe, I thought you wanted Scott, I mean you chose him remember." Alyssa said in exasperation.

"Believe me, you have no idea how much I'm struggling with this. I mean, one second I'm with Scott not even thinking about Aaron, and then the next we're kissing and I start comparing them while I'm making out with Scott! It sucks so much. I love them both." I said, feeling exhausted.

The three of us were silent for awhile, the only sound coming from the tv. "I'm starving." Megan burst out making Alyssa and me laugh.

"Want to order pizza?" Alyssa asked, already going for her phone. "Sure." I agreed. After it was ordered we went back to discussing what activities we should do.

"Well, eat first, then I got a bunch of random spa facial treatments, and then maybe a movie...Sound good?" Alyssa asked. Megan and I nodded our heads. Pizza arrived shortly after and we ate (probably a little too much) and Megan got bowls and towels for the spa treatments.

I mixed together an avocado/menthol kind of goo that smelled good and was supposed to make your skin super smooth. I got to go first, having tied my hair back in a tight bun.

I layed on the floor while Megan was in charge of applying it to my face. Alyssa sat on the couch mixing other goos. Episodes of Gossip Girl were now playing.

"Oh Chuck Bass please have my babies!" Alyssa groaned eyeing the tv. "You sure have a thing for guys with the last name Bass don't you?" I teased, giving her a knowing smile.

She threw a glare in my direction. "Whatever, you know Ed Westwick is gorgeous." The treatment stuff was making my face tingle, in a nice sort of way.

"Isn't this relaxing? Dosen't this mix just make you feel like all your problems are just going up...up...and away!" Megan droned on in this creepy fortune teller-like voice while smearing more on my forehead. I raised an eyebrow, meeting Alyssa's gaze and we both burst out laughing.

"Oh laugh all you want, tomorrow you'll feel so much more relaxed, trust me." Megan said with a shrug. Ugh tomorrow. School. Having to go back there and figure out the mess I had made with Aaron. Relaxed? Yeah, I highly doubt that relaxation will be in my near future. 

One Night Could Change Everything (Teen Love Story) Part 2Where stories live. Discover now