Chapter 7 - New Alpha

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Jake's POV

We walked in the building and a beta wolf came up to me following behind him was another wolf. He mind linked to me.

"We would like to talk to you alone." He says.

I nod, and follow them off into a room then we all shift, and put some pants on.

"Our alpha would like to have you join our pack." The beta said.

"A pack?" I ask out loud. "Even though I was exiled from my last?"

"Yes, Alpha Eros of the North Western Woodlands pack would like you to join."

An invite from an Alpha? I..........I... can not refuse, If I did I could never get accepted into another pack ever...

"I will accept his gracious offer." I said.

"Wonderful, now why don't you go and join your mate." They said as they opened the door. I left and was on my way as an Alpha wolf stopped me in my tracks.

"Nice to meet you Jake. I am Eros your new alpha." He says.

"Nice to meet you too." I say.

"Now as you have just joined the pack you are going to be lower in rank which means I need you to give me full access to your thoughts." He tells me

"Right." I close my eyes and Give him power over my mind. "It's done." I say.

"Ok I will have the my beta show you back to the pack house and territory after your mates examination." He says

"Ok." I reply as I walk off. This was standard pack protocol.

I enter the room and close the door behind me. The bitches shot me a look of annoyance, but they were happy they could start examining Kyra. I took a seat, and watched them examine her.

    I saw Kyra start to tense up, and I could sense she was going to shift. I thought she would hold it in, but I guess I was wrong. She went at one of the bitches like she wanted to kill them. I grab her around the waist and hold her back as long as I could in human form. I held her long enough for them to inject her with something that calmed her down.

    She was being her usual stubborn self and didn't want to shift back for them to continue.

"Shift back so this can get over with love." I link to her.

"But then they will hurt me again!" She lets out a little growl, but it was weak.

"Trust me, its only a little longer." I say directly into her eyes.

She finally shifted for me and then the bitches and I saw it. She had no mating mark. I gave her one, but its gone.

"Results from the examination are, for some reason she did not successfully get pupped and she lost your mark." A bitch said.

"Are you sure you marked her?" Another bitch said.

"Yes!" I say

"Well their is only one explanation. Your mark left, because the moon goddess doesn't want this pair." The bitch said.

We all glanced down at Kyra and she was so worried about what was happening. Then all three of us saw it. She was no longer mine, she had the mark. And to make this worse Eros was the one that gets the marked one. Eros must have been in my head because he linked to me.

"She has the mark." He says

"Yes." I say

"You know what that means, right?" He asks

"Yes I do know." I tell him

"Lets not make this weird." He states. " I have waited 600 years for her Jake, and I thank you for finding her."

I leave the link. Why in the moon goddesses name does my new alpha have to be the one who gets her. She trusted me! I'm the only reason she was found, and now Eros gets her. She must have gotten sick of waiting and linked to me instead of continuing to talk to me.

"Whats going on?" She asks in a worried tone

" I...I.." I couldn't find it in me to tell her the whole thing."I.. It.." I trailed off

"Jake! What is it!" she says

I still couldn't find myself to say the right words. I eye the bitches to go out and get Eros. I glance at her neck to make sure I just didn't see it.

"Kyra.."I say. "I forgot to mark you." He said. I couldn't tell her that the moon goddess didn't want us together and that my new alpha is your mate.

"Jake all of that over a stupid mark!" She says annoyed

"Kyra, it's very important to mark you, but thats not the bigger problem." I tell her.

    "Well are you going to tell me!?" She says in a loud tone

    "You... Have the mark." I could only get those words out.

    "What mark?" She asks. Wow she really lives under a rock.

    "I'll let him explain it to you." I tell her as I walk out and nod for Eros to go in.

    "Thank you for being so nice about this Jake." He tells me before he enters the room.

    The beta walks up to me and gives me the signal to shift. We both shift an he links to me.

    "Alpha wants me to show you to the pack house and around the territory and its a long walk so we are going to get going." The beta says

    I nod and follow him. Part of me feels terrible for leaving Kyra with him, but I know there is nothing I can do... Or is their?

(A/N What do you think of the cover? I like it.)

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