Chapter 2 - You Don't Control Me

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    I wake up to the sound of a wolf sniffing around the rocks I was in between. I could smell that it was a male. He found the crack I was in, and then spoke.

    "Come on out female." He pants

    "Never!" I growl.

    "Well thats too bad, I thought you would've cooperated." He smirks.

    "Well I guess you don't know me then!" I snarl. I leap out and tackle him to the ground. He was pinned, he tried to get out of my pin but he couldn't. Then another intense wave of my heat came. I instantly shrank back in pain. Then male stands back up.

    "I'm the only one that can fix your pain." He said as he takes only one step towards me.

    "I will rather suffer in pain that be raped by you!" I snarl.

    "Well that's still too bad. Your choice doesn't matter, I want you." He brings me too the ground, not having much of a fight back "Shift." He commands.

    "I will not listen to you." I growl as I go for his throat. I catch him by surprise and get my jaws around his neck. I bite down, hard. He winces in pain, then he goes limp in my mouth. I release my hold and he drops to the ground. I hear his pack already sense his death and howl.

It's now midnight again. I've lasted 24 hours in the run so far, and I'm determined to go through the whole thing without being mated. I was very hungry since I haven't eaten in the last day. I sniff the forest air, getting the scent of something alive. While I'm tracking I come across another stream for me to wade through. I pad up to the stream and get in up to my abdomen. The water really helps for some reason, but I'm not complaining. There is a rock in the middle of the stream so I decide to go and hop onto it. I lay down basking in the moonlight. After another hour I decide to lay my head down for a little nap.

    ( Sorry for short chapter but I needed to post one and I didn't have a lot of time, but I hope your stilling enjoying the book! ~ R)

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