[Chap 2] Him

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I look at him, like stare at him. He is in his car that is filled with slime talking to a camera on a tripod. So he is a youtuber? The only thing I see is his back. Because he is like driving around, or someone else is of course driving around. He is waring a black t-shirt and his hair is messy.
Wtf? Who is this guy? Like literally WHO IS THIS GUY? The car disappears and I just stand there like a idiot. I get my stuff and just go inside. Starting my camera.

So I just went outside, and I see a guy sitting in a car filled with slime, screaming something about legends? Aussies are weird. Like I thought that we Swedish people are weird, but probably not? Anyways, I'm almost finished and then I'm just going to go to the store so I can pick up some snacks.

I turn off the camera and finish unpacking the last box. Everything looks pretty perfect. This is my third time moving from an another country. Now i just moved from the US so I haven't been home to Sweden yet. Maybe I should visit for Christmas, yeah it's good.

I drive to the store to pick up some snacks, and some protein bars. Maybe some bananas for my protein shakes.
When I get home I change to my sports bra and a pair of leggings, time to go to the gym!
I vlog in the car, making a time lapse so it looks tumblr or something.

After ten minutes of driving i arrive at the gym. It's pretty big actually. I get inside and look around. So many machines, perfect for me! I scan my card and go inside. Plug my headphones to my phone and start my workout slow and easy.
A group of guys walk in, looks like they are about 2 years older than me. Two of them are carrying on a camera. They start to talk, maybe doing a intro or something.

Then that's when I see him, again, the guy in the car filled with slime.
Who said "bloody legends".

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