[Chap 20] Wake up

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Your POV

Why am I dreaming my past mistakes? What's even going on.
Everything goes black. Then a flashing light hits my eyes. I blink around and breath the air. Finally I can breath again!
My eyes get wide open. There is two doctors to the left, and to the right, it's Lannan!
I sit up, but my back and neck hurts really bad.
"No, no you need to lie down." Lannan say
But I get up anyways. The doctors are just hosing some papers and writing down something. Lannan gets up and kiss me. It felt just like I kissed him yesterday. For how long was I gone?
"Lannan, for how long have I been gone?" I ask
"About 3 months..." Lannan say sadly
3 months? 3 months?! What?! I start to panic. No, no! I can't have been gone for 3 months! What about youtube?!
"Three months?! But what about youtube?!" I say
"It's covered, I have already posted a video about it" he answer
I calm down a bit.
"What happened?" I ask
"Ehh, you, you were hit by a car" he say
Hit by a car? How could I be so stupid?
"How?" I ask
"It was after we.... or, well you were driving and, a car hit you from the side..." he say
"So I was just driving, and the car hit me?" I say
"Eh, yeah, pretty much..."
He's hiding something. I can see it on his whole face.
"Your not telling the truth?" I say
"Wh-what?" He stutter
"There is something more. I don't remember just sitting in my car and getting hit. And if you don't tell me, and then I remember, and it was something more. I will get pissed. Like for real."
"Well, okay. We did fight just right before you got hit. You got mad and left, and then you got hit." He say
I look at him. I don't really have the energy to bring up the fight that we had.
"I love you..." I whisper
"I love you too.." he answer back, smiling. He kiss me again.
I raise up my right sore arm. There's a long scar along my arm. But I don't remember having that scar?

The next day...

Finally I'm out of that god damn hospital. Lannan and I drive to the police station, because apparently they are going to ask me some questions. I just hope that they are not about my real background or something...
When we arrive, a policeman takes us to a room. In the room it's 3 chairs and 1 table. There is a microphone on the table.
We sit down. He begins to talk about what happened. When he say it wasn't an accident, I kinda had it on feel.
"So, we have "investigated" around your background. Do you know there was some criminals involved? There is no point of lying, and if you do, you well face that to the court."
Fuck! How the hell am I supposed to tell the police this? And I can't have Lannan sitting there and listen. It's too much, and if I do tell him, he would never want to be with me again..
But I kinda knew that sooner or later I would tell him, but not the police of course.
So I begin to tell my story.

So, my parents and my two other siblings. My big brother and little sister and I kinda got some trouble. Well it was because of me. I got together with a guy, an Italian. But I never knew, that he was in some part of the Sicilian mafia. My parents knew who he was, and started to try to ruin our relationship. I was to blind to actually notice anything. So I got pissed at my parents, and moved to Italy for maybe 3 years. I did actually learn who he were. But I thought that it didn't really matter. Until the day, my little sister died. Or she actually got killed. I don't really know why, but I just remembered that my parents, and especially my brother got devastated. They knew it was my ex's fault. My brother tried to take some revenge or something. So he joined the American mafia, not sure how.
He actually got his revenge. But that made me and my parents a big target. We got to learn, to survive on our own. My parents hate me for my sisters death.
So I have no contact with my parents, but I talk to my brother sometimes. I just moved here to be more safe, and I colored my hair so no one would recognize me.

When I'm done explaining everything everyone jus sit there quietly. Lannan is looking at me in shock.
"So, you have enemies out there?" The policeman ask
"Yes, many from Italy, but some from Sweden to.." I answer
"Okay, well thank you for your honesty. I will see you in a few weeks hopefully.." the policeman say, and leave the room.
Me and Lannan also leaves the room. When we sit down in his car, he starts to ask so many questions.
"Why didn't you tell me anything?" He ask
"It would of been to dangerous, and I don't want you to get involved in my shit." I answer
"Well, I'm getting involved since we have a relationship?"
"You would never have told me if you were in my position!" I say
"Well, I would when I knew for sure that we had a relationship!" He answer
I don't know what to say. We just sit there in silence. Then we finally drive away. I want to go to the Click house so I can meet Kath again. I feel like we have built up such a good relationship and it makes me happy that I have a girlfriend.

We arrive at the house, I run in to the house. Kath sees me and runs up to me and hugs me.
"Omg, you're back!!" She shouts
Everyone hugs me. My back kinda hurts, but I ignore it. I eat some food, and when I dump myself on the couch, I scream.

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