Chapter 16

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A/N: I'm sorry the story is a bit weird atm but I'm not feeling so well and I try my best in writing good also don't forget that this is my first story...

(Chloe's POV)

Beca spend the whole day in her study and I felt kinda lonely just sitting there and let the time fly by but someone had to bring the money in,right? At least that gave me some time to think about our relation and I decided for me to just forget all that happened and start again. And Beca...I won't tell her about,she should just act like she would normally.

Since it got pretty late I decided to look after what Beca was doing the whole time. I knocked at the door and slowly opened it, I didn't wanted the same thing to happen what did last time. But as I opened the door I saw that Beca was lying with her head on the desk and seemed to be asleep.

"Beca?" I whispered

She didn't answer so I went up to her and I was right, she was asleep. The question is: For how long? Cause as I turned on the before on stand-by switched computer,there was barely work done.I decided to wake her up to at first ask how long she has been asleep, and second if she still needs to work so late.

"Five minutes,please..." she groaned as I started to shake her so she would wake up.

"No! Wake up. Please..." I answered

"Baby...", Beca opened her eyes, " Why won't you let me sleep?"

"Because you've been in your study for the whole day and there's barely work done.    HOW fucking long have you been sleeping?"

"Oh fuck! I have to finish that till tomorrow!!! Shit,shit,shit! Thank you for waking me up! Damn it!"

"Oh my god stop swearing,baby. I'll let you finish that in peace but I'm eating dinner now."

"Sure...fuck man.Oops!Bon appetit baby!"

"Thank you and have fun!" I said and gave her a little peck on the lips

Then I left and made dinner for myself.
Honestly, I hate eating alone, but Beca had to work so I had no choice. I mean I could wait but why would I want to? I'm literally starving!


Hours later Beca finally came out of the study.
Me,for my place, I was already in bed. After a few minutes she entered the bedroom.

"Hey,uhm,I want to eat something before I go to sleep so I'm already saying good night if you fall asleep when I'm eating." Beca said

"Ok, night babe!",I held up myself with my arm,"Can I get a kiss before you leave?"

"Of course!"

Beca walked up to me and gave me a kiss. As she was about to break it, I held her back. I wanted to keep on kissing her. It just felt so ... ... good! She hasn't done anything to make me stop so she must've liked it too. My fingers began to sail through her hair as she entered my mouth with her tongue. Then she climbed into the bed and got on top of me.
I broke the kiss.

"Is something wrong?" she asked while licking her lips

"No but weren't you about to eat?" I said confused

"You held me back!?"

"Go downstairs and eat something babe."

"O...kay,uhm,good night i guess."

Beca left the bedroom. It might have been a little rude to push her away like that but I had no energy for stuff like that anymore. I just wanted to kiss, that's all...

I felt asleep very soon and I think Beca hasn't even started to eat as I was already sleeping.

(Beca's POV)

I went to the bedroom after I ate something.
As I were about to sleep I heard Chloe's phone ringing. Who could be calling her in the middle of the night? I looked at the display and guess what: It was Jennifer....
I picked up.

"Okay Hello you there. This one is pretty simple so even you might be able to get this: Chloe has a girlfriend and that's me! Not you! So stop fucking annoying me AND her!!!" I got very angry

"Uhm...I...." she started to cry and hung up

Wow she is so sensitive. I wouldn't have expected that. Anyways I hope that she won't call again, she fucking annoys me.
Okay I've been rude and it's not okay to push her away but I'll just pretend I don't care and I hope Chloe doesn't get to angry.


"HOW COULD YOU DO THAT?!" Chloe screamed

I guess I shouldn't have told her that I roasted Jennifer...

"Hey calm down! Just call her and explain everything..."

"You shouldn't have done that anyway!"

"Chlo,I already said I'm sorry. The jealousy won again..."

"Ok I'm taking a few deep breaths now and calm down..."


"Don't do something similar ever again ok?"

"I promise!"

"Thank you " she said and kissed me

"I haven't expected you to kiss me after that" I smiled

"Don't get used to it!"

"But I would love it to happen more often." I smirked

"Get your act together,Mitchell..."

"Uhhh,do we get sassy now?"

"I rolled my eyes just incase you didn't notice."

"Oh come on!" I said and kissed her

"Don't try to fawn now..." she smiled

"But as I can see it works!" I winked

"I hate you so much..." Chloe said and started kissing me...

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