Chapter 2

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"Isn't this not the fun?" Kori asked excitedly. Emily just smiled at her happy friend and nodded yes. The five girls were apart of a team called the titans. They are Emily Grayson, Donna Troy, Koriand'r (Kory Ander), Rachel Roth,and Karen Beecher. They were originally the teen titans but, they aren't teens anymore. Rachel aka Raven was only half paying attention as she wasn't such a huge fan of the mall. That was the same thing with Emily but, over time she had grown to enjoy it. The five girls walked around the mall,going into different shops,trying clothes on,etc. They ended up in the food court with them of course, eating some pizza. "Hey,Emily can I ask you something" Karen also known as Bumblebee said. "Yeah,sure" Emily said. "You have your own apartment now but, why do you still stay at the manor?" she asked. "Uhh" Emily said. She wasn't sure how to respond. It was true though. Both her and her brother had their own apartments now but, they still stayed at the manor. "Well, I was planning to stay for a bit then,head back to my apartment" Emily explained. "Gotham is still my home,and have you met my family" she said sarcastically. They laughed and talked but, something wasn't right. Emily found that she kept looking over her shoulder. She couldn't get rid of the feeling. The feeling that someone was watching her.

    Bruce was working on his computer at home. One of the good things about being CEO is that you can do whatever you want. Bruce can work at home whenever which,comes in handy with this family. A knock was heard on the door as Alfred Pennyworth entered the room. "The mail,sir" Alfred said plainly. "Thank you, Alfred" Bruce replied. Alfred nodded and left the room without another word. Someone had sent him a letter but,there was no sending information. Bruce was curious about it,and carefully opened the envelope. He pulled out a piece of paper,and read it. Bruce read it terrified thinking about it. The scared father looked inside the envelope once again,and was terrified. In it were pictures of his family, his kids out in Gotham.  The pictures were recent as one of the picture was of his eldest daughter, and it showed her in the food court at the mall with her friends from the titans. Bruce placed his head in his hands full of worry and concern. The letter that terrified the man of no fear laid on the ground. The mysterious letter said, "You destroyed my family. Now, I will do the same to you".  A picture of the family was taped to the paper with an edge of it burnt.

Emily came home from a fun day with her friends. But,she still felt apprehensive. She wished she had her belt or her mask. All she had was her satchel and titans watch. She would feel better once she got inside. The now relaxed girl walked into the living room and saw her family sitting on the couch looking stressed and or worried. "What's going on" she asked nervously. Her father gestured for her to sit on the couch with her brothers and sisters. She did as she was told becoming more nervous by the second. "There's something I need to tell you" Bruce said to all his kids. Just that one sentence made the kids more nervous than they already were. The eldest daughter started nervously at her father. She felt something touch her hand which almost made her jump. She turned and saw her brother smiling at her. It was not hard to tell that he was forcing the smile,he was just as nervous as she was. He gave her hand a light, reassuring squeeze. Dick then nodded at his father to continue. "Today, I received a letter from someone,a former worker of mine. I fired him as he was using my tech to aid some of Gotham's villains. Apparently, he blames me as his family left Gotham to start a new life while,he was in jail. He wants me to suffer just like him. I found photos in the envelope from today. Each one of them showed one of you. He's looking for you,all of you" Bruce explained feeling not better but worse. The eldests looked at the rest of their siblings and knew what was to be done. "Knowing you, you have an idea, you know of a place where we will be safe" Emily said hopefully. "You will all stay at the watchtower until this is dealt with" Bruce said trying to comfort his kids. Dick and Emily stood trying to be brave. "We better start packing" Dick said cracking a small smile. Bruce just nodded,and watched as his kids headed upstairs to pack.

Emma sat on her eldest sister's bed wrapped in a bulletproof blanket. Emily was walking around the room packing their bags, muttering to herself trying to figure out what to pack. "Grayson" Emma said. "Yeah" Emily said looking through a drawer for shirts. "What's going to happen to us" she asked. Emily turned around and finally saw what was wrong. Many who knew Emma saw a person who never showed much emotion, who was a mini-batman in a way. But, whenever it was just the two of them things were different. Emma's walls were down and she showed her true colors. Which right now meant showing fear. Emily walked over and pulled her terrified little sister into her chest,rubbing circles on her back. "We'll be fine" Emily reassured her. "How do you know" the scared little girl asked. Emily closed her eyes,and let out a deep breath. "Honestly, I don't know,all I know is that we just gotta have hope. As long as we stick together, everything will be okay" she said.  "I won't let anyone hurt you,and I will never leave you. I promise" Emily said. She had no clue about what was going to happen. Bruce was going to be tracking down the man hunting her and her siblings. That left her and Richard in charge of their siblings. "Thanks, Grayson" her youngest sister mumbled. Emily laughed a little at her sister's response. "Anytime" the eldest said. She got up off her bed and continued packing their things.

At the watchtower...

    Superman sat in a chair at the watchtower watching all the monitors reporting on the events going on around the world. It was quiet up in the watchtower as everyone had gone home for the day. Out of nowhere,the zeta tube went off which made the kryptonian jump a little in surprise. He turned around to see Batman standing there as always showing no emotion. As soon as he stepped out the zeta tube went off again announcing Nightwing,Nightclaw,Red hoods,Red Robin,Red Jay,Robin,and Jay. What surprised the boy scout was that the kids were standing there in civilian clothes, the older ones holding bags and suitcases while the younger ones were each wrapped in their own blanket. He walked up to Batman curious about this. "What are they doing here?" Superman asked looking at the kids standing in the corner. "Someone is trying to use them to get to me. The manor isn't safe" Batman said with no emotion up front but anyone who knew him, knew that underneath he was scared for his kids. "So, you want them to stay up here" the boy scout asked making sure he understood the dark knight. "Yes,and I want you to make sure nothing happens to them" Batman said glaring at him. Superman nodded yes as he could tell that these kids meant a great deal to him,and he was kind of scared of the dark knight. Batman walked over to his kids as this would be the last time he saw them. Tim, Sam, Damian,and Emma were each wrapped up in their own bullet proof blankets. He bent down to Damian and Emma so he could look them in the face. "We'll be fine Father" Damian said stone faced just like his father. Bruce knew that deep down they were scared. He gave them a little hug and moved on to the next ones. Tim and Sam were easy to read. They were scared about all of this. He placed his hands on their shoulders and said, "you'll be fine". The two nodded in response,and he smiled. Jason and Rachel were leaning against the wall, of course acting like they weren't scared. "Keep them safe" he told them. The two looked at each other and nodded. "Of course" Rachel said. He then moved on to the last of his kids. Dick and Emily. Dick had his arm slung protectively over his sister's shoulder. Both of them looked up at him, smirking at him trying to convince them that they were okay. "Don't worry,we'll protect them" the two said in unison. He placed a hand on their shoulders trying to reassure them. He had known them long enough to tell when they are hiding something. The three hugged as this would be the last time that they would see their father ever again. "Stay safe" Batman said to his kids. And without another word,he stepped into the zeta tube and vanished.

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