Chapter 13

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(In the above image, replace them with female versions of them and add Jay)
I followed Vanessa into the maze, not paying attention to the things around me. I reached into my bag that I had luckily not lost during this entire thing, and threw one of my wingdings at her feet. She stumbled for a bit before turning around to see me. "Worried about your boyfriend back there are you?" Vanessa said, taunting me. "What did you do to him!" I yelled. "You really think that your friends are going to take you back once this is over? He is dying, and it's all your fault." Vanessa said. "And your family. What are they going to think, now that they know what you really are?" Vanessa continued. "I am nothing like you! I will never be like you! I rather die than be like you!" I declared, yelling it as loud as I could. "Well that can be arranged." Vanessa said pulling out her swords with a smirk on her face. Vanessa ran towards me with her swords ready to slice at me. I ran towards her, and once I was close enough I slid underneath her, grabbed her left arm and punched her in the shoulder causing her to drop one of her swords. I kicked her away and grabbed the sword. "You say you're nothing like me yet you abandoned everyone just so you could do what? Kill me? I thought you were suppose to be the golden child?" Vanessa taunted me. "SHUT UP!" I yelled. Again, we ran at each other with our swords clashing against one another. Every now and then she would have a small opening where she would slice at me. I was just about to hit her with my sword when she jumped over me and slashed at my back. "AHH!" I groaned as I collapsed to the ground. "In life you failed the court. But in death, you will become the perfect talon." Vanessa said as she raised her sword to me.
    Right as Vanessa was about to impale me with her sword, a batarang landed in her shoulder and exploded sending her flying backwards a couple of feet. I looked to where the batarang had come from and saw my sisters standing there. "What are you guys doing here?!" I asked them. "We're not letting you do this alone. They kidnapped us too, remember." Rachel said to me. I tried to stand but stumbled at first. "This, this isn't your fight." I said once they got over to me. "Wrong as always Grayson. They made it our fight when they messed with you." Emma said. "It doesn't matter how many of you there are. You can't stop the court.!" Vanessa said as her arm started to heal from the blast. I wanted to help my sisters but the slash on my back was making hard to stand or even focus. I watched as my sisters fought my demented family member. Vanessa was blocking almost everything they were throwing at her. Every now and then, they were able to get a hit or two in. She caught Sam's staff with one hand and threw her into Rachel. Emma came running up behind her with her sword at the ready. Vanessa was ready though. She rolled away from Emma's attack and slashed at her stomach. "NOOO!" I yelled as Emma fell to the ground holding her stomach. I ran over to her as fast as I could, praying for her to be okay. Rachel and Sam were already by her side and were attempting to slow the bleeding down. Vanessa may have said something but I wasn't listening. My family, my friends, all hurt because the court wanted me to become a stupid talon. My body shook in anger as my mind tried to process all that had happened. I stood up, no longer caring about anything that might happen. Or what I might become. I grabbed my sister's sword and stared at the woman I was supposedly related to. "No more." I said.

    I unleashed everything I had into my attacks. My cuts were getting worse, and I was losing more and more blood as I fought but nothing mattered right now. "I am sick and tired of you telling me who I'm suppose to be!" I shouted. "I don't care a damn about you or anyone in the court!" I declared as I swung my sword down at her. She blocked my attack with her's and started to push her sword against mine to knock me away. "You've hurt my family. You've endangered my friends. You almost killed the man I love and my little sister." I ranted. I spun my sword around and kicked her in the gut. "No more! You won't hurt my family anymore!" I yelled as I started slashing at her. As I brought my sword down, she caught it with her hands, and kicked it out of my hands. She grabbed me and turned me to my sisters as she held the sword to my throat. "EMILY!" someone yelled. "Stay back." Vanessa threatened as she held the sword closer to my throat as the rest of my family and friends came in. "You can never stop the court. We will return, stronger than ever before.!" She said to them. "And, we will have our talons." she told them. I had a plan in my head on how to stop her, but I knew it would come at a cost. I smiled at all of them for the last time. I grabbed the sword next to me with my foot, tossing it up into my hand. "EMILY, WAIT!" my family yelled at me. I stabbed the sword into myself as deep as I could, stabbing Vanessa as well. Time slowed as my life started to slip away from me. Vanessa's grip on me was released and she fell backwards to the ground. I collapsed to the ground, and pulled the sword out of my chest. "Uuu, ah." I groaned as I finally removed my sword. I looked over at my great-grandmother and saw that the sword had ended up stabbing her in the heart. "She won't be healing from that anytime soon." I thought to myself. My vision was getting blurry, and I could barely make out the figures who were running towards me. "You're safe now." I said. Then I shut my eyes, and gave into the darkness.

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