Day 7: Exhausted

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I'm exhausted. Yap, that's it. I'm exhausted of the way the world works. Tired of the way we are supposed to work. And if we don't do it as everyone else does, we are not good enough. And we can be fixed. How? Insults and jokes, harrasement and ignoring. Violence, if necessary. So, that's not cool. Beauty is better and best found in diversity. Diversity is what makes the world less awful. Like please, being stereotypical is so boring, why would we try to be like everybody else for the rest of our lives? That would be awful. Horrible. Do you have an idea of how much awesome people, will to change the world, and safe spaces would be lost? Don't just try to make everything be as your cisheteropratriarcal brain thinks it should be (help, I don't know how to say in English. heeelp me). And now that we're talking about the system we live in and that sucks so much, I'm going to tell you something. The fact that you're a cis, white, straight man doesn't make you any better tan anyone who doesn't follow the rules of your system. Do you really think you can kick anyone who doesn't think like you? Do you he any idea of how awful it is for someone to get called from a car "faggot" or being harrased all the way home because he wants to have sex with you? No, you don't, obviously. You're trapped in your tiny bubble full of stereotypes and "natural" shit, where your mummy tells you stories bout killing diverse people before you go to sleep. And what does that "natural" even mean? Because if you're trying to say that something is "natural" if it is the way it has always been, then you're wrong, because diversity has existed all way before your tiny intolerant brains started to say stupid shit. You need to realize you have priviledges. And, if you achieve to do it, don't use them conciously to hurt other people. Support diverse people, and, if you're not okay with me or anyone, just don't say or do anything to us. I don't want to accept me or understand me. I want you to respect me, and let me live.

So I'm gonna let the rest of the world work as it wants. But I ain't working too. Because I'm exhausted of all this shit. That's why I'm going to live and let live. I'm going to work my own world around.

PD: Funny story, thi is the second time I write this because I was writing it on notes and cut it to paste it here, but I copied another picture and had to writ it all again. Ñeh. I liked the first one more.

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 09, 2018 ⏰

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