Chapter One

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Jade was sitting on the couch with the laptop in her lap. She was currently writing on her book, when she hard the dorbell rang. Sighing, she put the laptop on the table and stood up to open the door. But when she saw that it was her boyfriend Harry, happiness made its way through her body. Her eyes were beaming, her heart was jumping. "Hey!" She greeted Harry smiling and kissed his cheek.

They both were in a relationship for one year now. Not long after they first met each other, they became a couple. After one week Harry already asked Jade out for a date. As cheesy as Harry was, he wrote a little something on a sheet of paper with the massage to invite Jade to a date. Jade was immediately flustered. She looked at Harry with a smile and pressed a kiss onto his cheek. "Of course I want to!", she said giggling quietly. Harry just smiled with beaming eyes and showed his beautiful dimples and teeths.

Jade pulled Harry into her flat that she shared with her best friend, Leigh-Anne. "Were you writing?", Harry asked when he noticed the open laptop on the table. Jade nodded with blushing cheeks. She always became a little shy when someone mentioned her works, especially this one. At the moment Jade was writing a book about her anoxeria that she had when she was 13, 14, 15. It was a really hard time for Jade but hey, she overcame it and was now the happiest she could be. But it was important for her to talk about it. Even though the time healed the wounds, Jade saw this as the opportunity to finally close this chapter in her life.

But she was still debating, whether she should publish the book or not. On the one side she wanted to help people, that are suffering from anoxeria, wanted to give them strenght fighting against the illness and wanted to show that they weren't alone with the book. But on the other side she was insecure about it. Because the book kept dark feelings and fragile moments of Jade and she wasn't sure if she was ever ready to share them with the world.

Harry, himself didn't really know much about this part in Jade's life. He knew what the book was about but Jade never showed much of it or let Harry read it. But he understood of course. It was a hard time for his girlfriend and he didn't want forcing her to talk about something she wasn't comfortable with. "You're such a hardworking person!" Harry praised Jade and kissed her lips. Jade had to giggle in the sweet kiss.

"You're going to be a famous author soon!" Harry said smiling. He was proud of Jade. She almost had finished another book and Harry just hoped that her works are going to get the attention, Jade truly deserves. Because damn she wrote so wonderfully. She had a talent for using words in an amazing way. Carefully she always searched for the right words.
"I don't know.", Jade mumbled and shrugged.
"Oh babe, don't be such a pessimist! As soon as you'll publish your works, they are going to be the best sellers!"

Jade laughed and she kissed Harry's cheeks. "You're such an idiot!"

"But your idiot." Harry wrapped his arms around Jade's waist. Jade leaned back on Harry's chest and closed her eyes. But that didn't last for too long, because Jade suddenly became a bit nervous in Harry's arms. "What is wrong?", he asked frowning, while he slowly put his arms down. "I've to finish the book that is due tomorrow!" Jade said when realisation hit her. She sighed deeply when she dropped down onto the couch. "I totally forgot that! I was too caught up in my own stories!", Jade mumbled, dissapointed in herself. She rubbed over her face and was straightening her glasses.
"Calm down, love." Harry said slowly with his deep voice. He took Jade's hand and held it in his. "That can happen to everyone. I already finished the book and if you want to I can tell you about the ending."

Jade looked up into Harry's green eyes and breathed out deeply. She slowly shook her head. "I'll make some tea and then I'm going to finish it. I think that about 100 pages are left." She looked at the clock, hanging on the wall. 7:56 pm.

Harry hated seeing Jade so stressed. She never really gave herself a break, was always studying, reading or writing. Of couse it was great that Jade was such a hardworking person, but it wasn't healthy being like this the whole time. Sometimes Jade had panic attacks, just because she was worrying a lot about her studying. She mostly thought it wasn't good enough, even though she had fantastic grades. Harry sometimes wished he could help Jade to get out of all this. But in moments like these, all he could do is to hold his girlfriend.

"Listen angel. I'll make you some tea, you can cuddle in your bed and just start to read. I'll join you after I made the tea." Harry suggested and thankful Jade hugged him. Her soft lips touched his cheek. "You're an angel, thank you!"

Not much later, Jade was laying in her bed, the book in her hand. And after Harry came with the tea, Jade kissed him thankfully. Maybe this kinda turnt into a making out but that didn't matter. Because in the end Jade was cuddled up with Harry in the bed and she read the book until its last page. Took a sip from the tea sometimes. By the time Jade had finished the book, Harry was already asleep. A small and fond smile formed onto Jade's lips and she sweetly kissed Harry's forehead. She then lied her head above Harry's chest so she could hear his beating heart. It always calmed Jade down when she could hear to Harry's hearbeat. And not much later she fell exhausted asleep and wished that this luck would never leave her and Harry.

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