Chapter Thirteen

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this story is almost reaching 1k, yaayyy! have fun reading and as always i'll be glad to get some feedback. ;)

So today was the meeting with Jed. To be honest Harry didn't know how to feel about it. Because jealousy would just burn his stomache, so he wanted to give Jed a chance. Even though he felt weird when Jade was together with him. The curly haired boy couldn't really describe it but something in him was telling him that all this won't end well. And that made him anxious.

Harry and Jade had their last lecture together and after it they would meet up with Jade's old pal. Harry had to admit that he was nervous. But he was also looking forward to get to know Jed and his character. Even though he was also scared that he might be better for Jade than him in some way. For god's sake that man was playing in a rock band! To say that Harry was insecure, was an understatement.

"Are you okay?" Jade asked worried as he noticed how distanced her boyfriend was. Harry pulled himself out of his insecure thoughts and squeezed Jade's hand a little tighter. "I'm fine," he replied as the couple came closer to cafe. But before they could arrive there, Jade stopped Harry abruptly. He looked at her confused while she just sighed. "You're nervous, right?", she asked softly. Harry just nodded. Jade softly put her hand over Harry's cheek and straddled it. "Don't worry Haz. Jed is a really awesome guy and I'm sure you two will get along just fine!" Jade looked with her honest brown eyes into the green ones of Harry.
Harry swallowed and then forced a smile. He knew Jade wouldn't understand him in that case but he just shut his mouth. And pressed his lips onto Jade's soft ones. "Thank you," he had whispered at her and made her beam.

"Come!", she just said and dragged Harry in the direction of the cafe and not much longer they arrived and walked into the cafe. And as the two were invited by the cafe's warmth and the smell of coffee, Jed had noticed them and stood up. When the couple saw him too, Jade pulled him into a hug with a bright smile while Harry greeted him with a simple hand shake.

"I'm Harry, nice to meet you!" He gave Jed his charming smile which made his girlfriend always crazy. She smiled widely as the two men introducing themselves to each other. When the three sat down on the table not much later, Jade asked Jed if he had already ordered something. But he shook his head and said: "I wanted to wait for you."
Not much later a young lady came to take their orders. Jade ordered a berries tea and a cinamonroll, Jed a cappuccino and cherry cake while Harry ordered an espresso and a pice of cheese cake.

"Cheese cake?" Jed wrinkled his nose and Harry just looked at him with a frown and an asking look. "I personally don't like cheese cake. Actually I hate it." Harry just rolled his eyes and tried to not seem too annoyed. "Well everybody has their likes and dislikes," he then replied and shrugged.

Jade had to sigh when she noticed the tension betwenn the two men. She just wanted them to get along. Then she coughed to get their attention. "Harry, didn't you want to ask Jed something?", she asked him with raised eyebrows. Harry rolled his eyes but couldn't hold back a smirk. Cute, how Jade tried to break the ice between him and Jed. So he did his girlfriend the favour and turned to Jed.

"Uhm so I'm really interested in your job. So how's it as a rockstar?" To lighten the mood he grinned and in that moment their orders came.

Jed scratched his neck. "Well I don't know what you want to hear." A little shy Jed smiled. "Uhm like everything. What you do and how's it like being in a band and stuff like that."

"Well I don't know if you know but I play the bass in the band. We're uhm a band since 2009 and we mainly play rock..." So Jed talked for minutes about his band and Harry wasn't bored for any minute. He gave Jed his full attention and the two could even laugh. Jade distanced herself from the conversation and rather watched Harry and the sparkle in his eyes. She was glad that they finally broke the ice. She was sure that they'd become good friends. But after some time she got bored and decided to join their conversation.

"You know Jed, Harry writes his own songs. And he has massive talent! He writes wonderfully!", Jade says with a bright smile playing her lips. Her heart had filled with the feeling of proud.

Jed widened his eyes and he turned to Harry. "Really?", he asked while Harry just blushed. He glared at Jade who just replied with an eyeroll. She knew that Harry wasn't serious.

"Yeah I do that but I don't think that I'm that talented!" Harry shrugged and tried to let the blush dissapear on his cheek but he failed. Jade found it unbelieving cute.

"Everybody says that from themself. Maybe sometime you can show me a song." - "I'm not really sure..," Harry hesitated but Jade elbowed him to let him know that it's a good idea.

"I also know some people who I could give your songs if they're really that great which I don't wanna doubt. Think about it." He gave Harry a smile which he returned grateful.

"I'll think about it. Thanks Jed, that's really kind." Jed just slapped his shoulder friendly. "No problem."

The three talked long until the evening came and then they had to slowly say goodbye.

"It was nice with you", Jed said as he hugged Harry. The couple nodded and then Jed also hugged Jade. And as Harry saw how Jade smiled widely he couldn't help that the jealously started to burn in his stomache. He tried to swallow the lump in his throat and stopped looking at them.

"Are you coming?" Harry tore his gaze away from the ground and searched for Jade's eyes. As he found them, he calmed down.

She loves you.

Harry tried to smile a bit and then he started walking home with Jade. "It was a great meeting!", Jade grinned as she grabbed Harry's hand. He nodded. "It was."

When the two lied in bed, cuddled together Jade mentioned the topic with the songwriting again.

"I don't know Jade. Songwriting is not really the carrier I wish for. I mean I love to do it but I don't think it'll bring me somewhere."

Jade fingers ran through Harry's hair and sighed deeply. "You've talent, love. I think you should give it a try."

"And you've it too," Harry mumbled and kissed Jade's forehead.

"Don't make this about me angel, it's about you," Jade said softly and sighed.

"I dont know, I think writing books is more like my carrier wish." - "But you can do both! You don't have to focus on one thing!"

"I'll think about it, yeah?" Harry mumbled and Jade nodded softly.

"And now good night love. Dream and sleep well."

Harry kissed Jade's wonderful lips and pulled her closer to himself.

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