Chapter Fourteen

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Jade spend more and more time with Jed and started to slowly ditch Harry. In the beginning it didn't really bother him but now he slowly started to get doubts. He could understand why Jade spend so much time with the other man. Of course they were best friends once and had to make up for the time they've lost. But it bothered Harry. He was scared. So damn scared that Jade might realise he's a better man than himself.

On the other side Harry knew that his thoughs were just stupid. But they still couldn't put him on ease. During night he barely got any sleep even when Jade was sleeping next to him. He needed the sleep more than ever but couldn't get it because his thoughts were keeping him awake. It felt like Jade and Harry were drifting away from each other and it's the last thing that Harry wanted.

He ran his fingers through his curls while he waited for the cooking water to get warm enough for his tee. He suddenly heard the doorbell ringing. Oh right, his sister wanted to visit him today. He totally forget that. He jogged to the door amd opened it. In front of him stood his beaming beautiful sister.
"Oh I missed you!", Gemma mumbled as soon as she hugged her little brother tightly. Harry giggled, "I missed you too."

"Hey!", Harry greeted his sister when she entered the flat. "Don't you have a lecture today?", she asked while they walked into the small but cosy kitchen. Harry shook his head. "No, do you want a cup of tea? The water for mine just finished." Gemma nodded with a small smile.

And when the siblings sat in front of each other, Gemma noticed that something was wrong with Harry. He wasn't talkative like usually and he seemed kinda down. When Gemma took a sip of the tea she asked her brother where Jade has been. By the mention of Harry's girlfriend, Harry flinched. A frown has build on Gemma's forehead. Did something happen between them?

"Everything okay?" She asked with a frown as Harry was biting his bottom lip and playing nervously with his fingers. He couldn't lie to Gemma, he never could. He had such a big connection to his sister, they already had as little kids. Of course they fought sometimes like siblings just do but it even made them closer to each other. Gemma was like a best friend for Harry and he told her everything, just like Gemma did.

"Me and Jade started to have arguments regularly since our third anniversary. We're slowly drifting away espcially now where she's spending so much time with her old best friend. I'm so scared!" Harry bit down on his bottom lip so hard that he wouldn't start to cry. Because the tears were burning in his eyes, the jealously was burning in his stomache and the insecurity was burning in his mind. The worries were sitting on Harry's shoulders, holding them tight and weighting down onto his chest, madking breathing harder.

"Oh Harry," Gemma immediately stood up and wrapped her arms around Harry. "Come, let's go to your room." And as they stood up to leave for Harry's room the half empty teacups were still standing on the table.

The two let them both fall down onto Harry's bed. His arms were wrapped tightly around the pillow laying in his lap. Gemma was leaning her back against the wall. "But is it that bad between you and Jade? I mean isn't it just phase? Won't you overcome it some time?" Gemma asked softly while Harry sighed and looked at his sister. "But would this phase go on longer for a half year?" His voice was shaking and Gemma wrapped an arm around him.

"I just hope that you two will get out of this. I'd be like so depressing to see you splitting up," Gemma said sincerely and Harry could crack a little smile. He leaned his head on Gemma's shoulder. "Thanks Gem."

"Do you remember the first time I was here?", the sister asked with a little smile.


"Do you think your sister will like the cookies? Oh what if she's allergic to nuts or doesn't like chocolate? Shit, I should have asked before I made them.", Jade ranted without any halt. Harry's lips formed a little amused smirk and he put his hand on Jade's shoulder to let her finally calm down.

"Calm down angel. Gemma will like the cookies and she's not allergic to nuts. It'll all be fine, yeah?" Harry glanced into the warm brown of Jade's eyes and could finally make her take a deep breath.

"I'm just scared that she won't like me." Jade ran her fingers through her hair nervously, destroyed her bottom lip by biting it too hard. Her eyes were unfocused, moved over Harry's whole kitchen. Harry then shook Jade a bit and finally she was looking up at his face and her expression softened. She realized how close the two were suddenly.

"She'll like you babe. Hell, she already likes you. Don't worry about it too much!", Harry said with a soft voice and gave Jade a warm smile. As she concentrated on Harry's breathing, she could finally let go of the nervousness piece by piece. She took a deep breathe.

"Thank you," Jade whispered close at Harry's lips. "You're too wonderful to not like you," he whispered before he pressed their lips together. But then they had to end the kiss because of the doorbell ringing.

"That must be her," Harry had mumbled before he took Jade's hand and opened the door with her together.

Gemma immediately greeted her brother with a big and tight hug, both were grinning brightly. If Jade wouldn't know that they were siblings, she would have become jealous for sure. But Jade smiled instead cause it was just too cute. When the siblings broke the hug off, Gemma just hugged Jade. At first she was a bit taken back but then she hugged back and smiled slightly.

"So you're Jade, the big love of my brother?", Gemma smirked when she slowly broke out of the hug. Jade blushed and then mumbled. "Apparently," she glanced to a smiling Harry.

"Nice to finally meet you. I'm happy to get to know even though I feel like I know everything about you since Harry's always talking about ya!" The big smirk on Gemma's lips made Harry blush a little and she laughed slightly. Jade rose her eyebrows. "Aye does he really?", and elbowed her boyfriend.

"Come in Gem," Harry said finally and closed the door behind his sister. "Jade even baked cookies for you."

"Oh really?" Gemma glanced to Jade who couldn't get rid of the redness on her cheeks. She shrugged. "Just wanted to make something for you," she mutterted.

"Aw, that's so cute of ya! I already like you," Gemma giggled and Jade just had to join her.

Not much later the three were sitting on the couch, drinking tea while eating the cookies Jade baked and talking.

"Hm Jade, your cookies are so damn good! I need the recipe!", Gemma mumbled while she just swallowed the lost cookie. Jade blushed and Harry kissed her blushing cheeks. She should start accepting compliments. She was supposed to know and believe in what a good person she was.

"By the way cookies, I've a funny story I can tell you about Harry and his baking skills!", Gemma said with a big grin. Jade listened carefully while Harry just whined. "No, don't tell the story Gems, god no!" But his sister just stuck out her tongue.

"He wanted to bake a cake for mum's birthday. And he had to mix sugar with caramel or something in a hot pot but he had done something wrong and almost burned the whole kitchen down!" Gemma laughed out loudly and Jade also couldn't stop herself from laughing. Their loud laughter filled the empty rooms in the flat while Harry just hid his face in his hands embarassed.

"Well not the whole kitchen but he burned down the pot and there was smoke everwhere in the kitchen.The funniest thing is that he even tried it again and burned the next pot down. Mum was so angry, the whole kitchen smelled after smoke for the next few weeks." Gemma had to stop because she and Jade had to laugh again together.

"How old was he when he burned down the kitchen?"

"I think something with 13 or 14," Gemma mumbled and Harry grumbled even though he couldn't hold back a little grin when hearing the laughing of his favorite people. "How great that my sister gets better along with my girlfriend than with me," Harry pouted which made the young women laugh again.


"I miss her", Harry mumbled sadly and Gemma straddled his arm softly. "Me too."

Sorry if this chapter is bad, i wrote it at 3am when i couldn sleep lol.

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