Chapter Four

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Sorry for the long waiting! I was just really busy. Still hope you'll like this chapter. :) And please tell me if there will be any mistakes in it so I can fix them. x

Eighth September 2014 was a special date for Harry and Jade. It was the day the two became a couple. Probably the most important day in their lifes. But this year, it turned into a terrible day. Harry thought that this day would be a great opportunity to exchange more closeness with Jade again. He considered for a long time what he could do with Jade on this special day. But in the end he just went for a simple picnic in the park around the corner in the evening. So that he could watch the sunset with Jade.

Luckily the day fell on a Saturday and by early noon, Harry was standing in front of Jade's dorm, a bouquet of flowers with Jade's favorite's in his hand's. He was excited, nervous but also happy. He had missed Jade so much, was barely seeing her. And Harry hoped a lot that everything would change for the better. He chewed nervously on his lower lip as he waited for Jade or Leigh-Anne to open the door.

It was Leigh who opened it. She eyed Harry with a big grin. "Hey, I'll get Jade, wait," she said, not taking her eyes off the big bouquet of flowers. But it was not necessary to get Jade because she already appeared in the hallway. And when she saw Harry with the bouquet and his nervous grin, her heart melted. Happiness spread throughout her body and in that moment she realized how much she had missed him. Of course, she knew that it was their anniversary today and she had something lying for Harry in the hall on the dresser. But that was all forgetten as she ran to Harry and jumped into his arms. She wrapped her legs around Harry's waist and clung tightly to her boyfriend, breathing in his familiar scent. Harry had to laugh softly, trying to keep his balance as he tumbled back a bit. Leigh-Anne was so kind and took the bouquet from him so he could hold Jade better.

Harry missed holding his girlfriend so tightly. And when Jade, after several days, pressed her soft lips to his full, he felt like he was in heaven. All those doubts and worries about the relationship were gone, as if they'd never been there. Harry couldn't describe how relieved he was to be able to hold the love of his life in his arms again. It was an amazing feeling and Harry wondered how he could survive without it. He never wanted that moment to stop, didn't want that kiss to ever end. Which is why he didn't separate his lips from Jade for minutes. Oh, how much he missed the sweet taste of Jade's lips.

"Happy third anniversary!" Harry whispered in Jade's ear as they dissolved the kiss after several minutes. "You too, angel.", She smiled with rosy cheeks, kissing Harry's forehead. For a brief moment they lost each other in the eyes of the other, had missed this feeling of closeness. But then it was exhausting for Harry to hold Jade, which is why he helped her down slowly.

"I've got something for you, too!" Jade said with a grin and ran quickly to the dresser. When she returned, she held a large box in her hand. She handed it to Harry. He opened the gift in and his eyes instantly began to beam when he saw what it the present was. It was an album of pictures of the couple and little poems and quotes that Jade or Harry had written.

"That's beautiful!" Harry murmured and looked with bright eyes at his girlfriend, who had to giggle quietly to herself. And again their lips merged into a kiss that consisted almost only of Jade's happy giggles.

Some time later, Harry and Jade sat together on a picnic blanket in a meadow surrounded by flowers in all colours. Jade sat in front of Harry, leaning against his chest. A blanket was covering them from the cold.

"Three years together, can you believe that?" Jade mumbled to herself as her gaze turned to the sky. A warm play of red and orange formed in front of them as the sun slowly set. The birds also slowly stopped chirping and it became quiet. Jade could hear Harry's breathing. He chuckled and wrapped his arms around Jade. He spread tender kisses on Jade's neck, causing goose bumps over her whole body. It was incredible that they still had such a big impact on each other.

"I'm glad that we're finally doing something together again," Harry said. Actually, he didn't want to say it out loud, it just slipped. But Jade had already heard it. She turned her head, looking confused at her boyfriend.

"What do you mean?"

Harry sighed deeply, regretting that those suddenly slipped his mouthn but he knew he wouldn't be able to get out there. He could never lie to Jade, she made him weak. Always saw through him when he tried to lie. Harry got nervous, started to sweat. "You've probably noticed that yourself - you haven't really had much time for our relationship lately."

Jade looked at Harry. Confusion was written on her face. But the words had hurt her as well. Of course she had knew that she and Harry hadn't spend much time in the last time, but that wasn't Jade's fault, right? Suddenly her throat tightened and tears were burning in her eyes, but she took a deep breath.

"Oh, so that's my fault?" Jade asked and her voice was not as always happy, gentle and loving. No, she sounded angry, hurt. She moved away from Harry's body, just sitting across from him. And Harry couldn't help that it hurt him. He didn't want to hurt Jade in any way.

"That's not what I mean, you've just been very busy lately..." Harry mumbled, feeling bad. But that still did not seem to soothe Jade. "If you had maybe taken more care of me then maybe you would have seen how bad was feeling, Harry! I'm sorry that I couldn't be your awesome girlfriend in this time!", Jade almost shouted, but her voice became more and more quiet until she broke off and fell silent. She quickly wiped the tears from the corner of her eyes. Harry was shocked, surprised by Jade's words. Damn, he didn't want to make Jade so angry. But on the other hand, Harry felt attacked by Jade's words. She knew that Harry was always there for her.

"But you know you can come to me if you're not feeling well! But no, you prefer to write your book instead of coming to me!" Harry fired back, he was getting angry. Because Jade wasn't the only one who felt bad in that time.

"Wow, Harry really great.", Jade laughed humorlessly. "You know how important you are to me! Your statement is total nonsense!"

"And why did you ignore me then Jade? Hm, do you think that it didn't hurt me? That was so selfish of you!"

Jade's mouth opened, obviously hurt by the words of Harry, who regretted them as soon as they left his mouth. But he was just hurt that Jade accused him of that. Jade bit her lip, moving away from Harry more and more.

"I'm supposed to be selfish? Fucking hell Harry, open your damn eyes! Did you hold me in this time? Where were you when I needed you?"

Tears welled up in Harry's eyes as well. "You never let me get close you. You're the one who still doesn't trust me enough!" Harry shouted with rage, but soon tears were streaming down his cheeks. And that was the whole point that made Harry so worried and made him doubt. Jade's lack of trust in him.

"Okay, I don't need to do that." Jade mumbled hurtly and with throbbing heart as she picked up her things. She just left Harry, leaving him alone. With tears streaming down her cheeks she almost ran hone.

"Stupid, stupid Harry!" She murmured to herself as she walked through the almost empty streets. Harry who was still sitting on the blanket, pulled his hair angrily. "Why did I even say that?" He whispered to himself while the tears streamed down his face.

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