You See the Good In Me (Part 1)

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Prompt: Kara and Oliver are best friends in high school, but Kara is secretly in love with him. She thinks it is unrequited because he's notorious for being a playboy.


Kara and Alex were late to school... Again. However, this time, it was totally her sister's fault. Although, it was partly her fault for encouraging Alex. You see, Alex had kept Kara up all night talking about her new girlfriend Jane. Kara had listened to her sister, as she gushed about how sweet and considerate and adorable she was. Kara was so happy to see her sister happy. Especially, after the whole Maggie incident. Her previous girlfriend Maggie Sawyer had dumped her on the account of wanting her father's approval apparently more than wanting to be in this relationship.

Anyway, because of that, they overslept, got up late, and are now late for school. So there they were driving down the street at speeds way higher than the speed limit trying to get to school before they're counted truant. They were way past late. "Jesus, Alex, could please slow down or at least go at a speed that won't send us to the ER?" Kara raised her voice in panic. "No! You heard what the principal said the last time we were late. He may have a special soft spot for us, but we can't afford to be suspended for 3 days," Alex shot back.

She was right.

They couldn't afford anymore tardies because otherwise, not only would their parents go apeshit, but then Alex wouldn't be able to play with the East High Lady Tigers in her upcoming basketball game with Gotham City's Lady Bats basketball team and Kara wouldn't be able to go with her journalism class on the field trip to CatCo Worldwide Media. Not mention, they would also be grounded for, like, a month with no phones and doing dishes for two weeks.

"Okay, you have a point, but we also can't afford to die in a car crash either," Kara argued. "Damn it, Kara. Fine! Have it your way," Alex yelled. A silence fell over them, as Alex slowed the speed of the car. Finally, Alex couldn't stand it anymore and said, "So, have you heard from your friend, that kid that graduated last year and went to college at one of those film schools... um, MCU?" Kara smiled remembering her friend from the year before. "Yeah, Loki actually face timed me from New York ranting about the fact that he's got most of his classes with his brother and all his friends," she laughed. "Hey what does MCU even stand for anyway?" Alex asked curiously. "I think it's a film school that he said stood for Marvel Cinematography Universities; they have tons of these colleges in New York," Kara answered. "Hmm. So which one does he go to?" Alex inquired. "He goes to Avengers University. This school year isn't going to be the same without him," Kara sighed wistfully.

Alex looked at her sister with a knowing smile on her face. "If I didn't know any better, I'd say you got a crush on Mister Trickster." Kara stayed silent for a long time and Alex looked over to find Kara trying to hide the blush creeping onto her face.

That's when the realization hit her like a wrecking ball. "Oh, my God! You liked Loki Odinson?" Alex squealed. Kara lowered her head to hide her flushed cheeks. When her sister saw this, she laughed. Eventually, Alex was able to calm herself down and took big deep breaths to steady her breathing.

"Well, it's good to know that you weren't always in love Oliver Queen," she quipped lightheartedly. "Whatever," Kara said quietly. Alex knew everything about her. There was no secret she didn't know about Kara and nothing that Kara could hide from her. It was both a blessing and a curse.


They quickly parked the car, got all their stuff, and ran into the building. The two girls sprinted down the hallway and we're about to turn the next corner. "Hurry up, Alex, we got get to our classes before--" Kara was cut off when they rounded the next corner and came to a stop when the two girls saw the principal standing in front of them with is arms crossed and a scowl plastered on his face. "Oh, crap," Kara murmured. "Now, now, ladies. What have I told you two about showing up to school late?" he asked sternly. "Please don't tell our parents," Alex said quickly.

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