The Long Experiment (Sex Scene)

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Prompt: This is the sequel to The Long Experiment one-shot that I wrote two years ago.

⚠WARNING: Contains smut content!

Don't like it, don't read!

Also, this is my first time writing smut so tell me how I did in the comments, okay?

Without further ado... Let's do this, ya filthy animals! 😉😉

Earth-38, Kara's apartment

Five weeks after the Crisis On Earth-X

She wanted him. She knew that having sex with your superhero co-worker probably wasn't the best thing to do. Especially, if you're both in an emotionally fragile state, but the way his muscles clenched and rippled underneath that dress shirt of his were doing things to her that not even Mon-El could satisfy her.

Truth be told, if you asked her how she ended up in this position... And that position, and that position... And that position, too, she'd tell you it all started with a medium tub of ice cream and a boatload of tragic romance confessions. Then, of course, they started making out on the couch and tearing each other's clothes off. Which is where the story left off.


Kara moaned softly as Oliver continued to nip and bite across her neck and collar bone. "Oliver," she sighed. She tugged slightly on his hair, clearing struggling not to lose control of herself. The motion must have turned the Archer on because he gripped her hips a little tighter. Kara bit her lip as she ground against the rapidly hardening tent in his pants, moaning a little each time from the sheer prominence of it.

Oliver stifled a groan of pleasure in the nape of Kara's neck before pulling her back into a passionate kiss. As they continued to make out, Kara used her hands to map out the wide expanse of Oliver's chest as she continued grinding down on his member. A wave of arousal began to pool in her lower abdomen and she felt how wet she was in her pants. Before she could even say or do anything, one of Oliver's hands had already left her hips and had begun to slip under the waistbands of both her pants and panties. Her breath hitched, as she felt two of his fingers rubbing that sweet spot in between her legs.

"Ohh, fuck," she gasped loudly, as his handing continued fondling her clit. "Ollie... I... I... Oh, Rao! Don't stop!" she begged as she threw her head back and rode his fingers. Oliver was uncomfortably hard now, and seeing Kara act so wanton and needy like this wasn't helping his erection. Kara still had her arms wrapped around his neck and he trusted her not to fall off his lap if he took his other hand away from her waist to relieve some of his own tension.

However, just as he was moving his hand away, Kara got off his lap abruptly. "Kara, are you okay?" Oliver said with concern. "Yeah, I'm... I'm fine," she breathed as she began removing her sweatshirt and pants. "In fact, I'm more than fine." She took the scrunchie out of her hair and let her loose curls fall past her shoulders just above her perky nipples. The vigilante swallowed thickly and silently sent up a prayer thanking whatever God made this moment possible.

"Now," she said as she pulled him up off the couch, "how about we finish this somewhere more private?"

They stumbled into her bedroom, Oliver stripping himself of his clothing and tossing it away, before they both collapsed on the bed together. Oliver lay above Kara, with his hands finally tangled in that mess of gold waves, kissing her lips, jaw, neck, chest, breasts, whatever part of her body he could. His hand snaked back down to the mound between her legs and he began to play with her once again. She moaned desperately as he used his fingers to pleasure her. "Yes, Oliver! Rao, I'm so wet," she cried out.

That just made his fingers move faster, except now he thrust them in and out of her wet heat. "Oh, yes!" Kara moaned loudly. "Fuck, Ollie, just like that. Oh, Rao, I'm gonna come!" She grabbed him by the wrist and guided his hand to where she wanted him to finger fuck her and that's what he did. As his hand focused on her soaking wet mound, Kara began fondling one of her nipples as Oliver sucked on the other one.

Pretty soon she felt a pressure slowly building up in her lower abdomen that rose higher, and her, and higher until it erupted in what was probably one of the most intense orgasms of her life. She yelled out in pleasure as she came all over his fingers. Oliver was unsurprisingly still hard as a rock, and after Kara came down from her high she flipped them over and lined up him up with her still very wet entrance.

"Wait," she said suddenly. Oliver furrowed his brow and sat up to look at Kara face-to-face. "What is it?" he said, cupping her cheek. "I've never done this with a human before," she answered nervously. "Never?" he gaped slightly. She shook her head. "I've only ever kissed a human and I ended up breaking his nose," she admitted shamefully. "Hey, look at me, Kara. It's all gonna be okay?" he said reassuringly.

"But--" "No buts. I trust you, Kara. It took me a while to let you in, but now that I have, I'm not ever going to push you out," he responded. Kara looked at him with tears welling up in her eyes at his confession. "I don't want to hurt you." "Kara, I've been to hell and back. Nothing hurts me anymore," he retorted light-heartedly. She smiled, but still gave him a pointed look. "But if you still feel worried, how about I take the lead, yeah?" She responded by simply giving him a kiss. Not passionate and lust-filled like the kisses before. This one was more gentle and heartfelt kiss.

"Okay," she sighed softly. From where he was lined up with her entrance, the Archer of Star City, thrust into her causing them both to groan tightly. After having enough time to adjust, Kara slowly began to rock her body on his. Pretty soon they found a rhythm and she rode him at a fast pace. "Oh, oh, oh, OH!" she moaned loudly. "Damn, you feel good!" Oliver grunted, thrusting into her. Kara braced herself on Ollie's shoulders as she rode him faster. "Oh, oh, oh yes. Ollie, fuck... fuck me hard!" She begged.

That was all he needed to her and he flipped them over and rammed into her fast and hard, as he nipped and sucked down on her supple flesh. Kara arched her back, giving a long drawn out moan. "Yes, Oliver! Yes! Oh, fuck!" she shouted, wrapping her legs around his lower back to give him a better angle. "Oh, shit!" Oliver moaned into her neck. Kara's head was swimming with pleasure as every nerve in her body became hyper-actively aware of what Oliver was doing to her. She gripped the sheets tightly making them tear slightly, but she didn't care.

One thing was for sure, she'd never had this good of sex in her life, not even with Mon-El. She continued to moan Oliver's name like a chant as he pounded into her mercilessly. It wasn't long before she felt that familiar pressure building up in her lower abdomen again and her eyes flew open as she looked up at Oliver. "Ollie, I'm gonna come again! Make me come," she cried. That sent Oliver into beast mode as he assaulted her pussy with intense fervor, effectively knocking the breath out of the Girl of Steel.

She continued to let out short moans and sharp gasps of breath which became sharper, and sharper, and sharper until finally...

"OOOHHH! FUCK, YES!" Kara screamed so loud she was sure the neighbors would call to complain. Oliver thrust into her a few more times before letting out a strangled groan as his orgasm hit. After he came down from his high, he pulled out and rolled over to lay next to her. The two of them laid there breathing heavily in a dazed stupor.

A few minutes later they got under the rumpled covers and Kara and Oliver smiled affectionately at each other. Kara was the first to doze off as she laid her head on his bare chest and hooked one of his legs with her own. He chuckled softly and pulled her closer and let his eyes close.

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