I'm Sorry

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Prompt: Oliver broke up with Kara after she thinks he cheated on her with Felicity. Totally AU.


The day had begun, as the sunlight seeped through the blinds of Kara's apartment windows and onto her sleeping form. She slowly opened her eyes and rolled onto the other side of the bed, expecting for large muscly arms to engulf her in their embrace. Instead, that side of the bed empty and cold and void of the presence that she longed to hold her. That's when she remembered the events that took place the night before.


"Tell me the truth!" she demanded. "I am telling you the truth," he said calmly, too calmly. "Is it Felicity? Are you still in love with her?" Kara asked. "What? No, of course not! Kara, Felicity and I broke up eons ago. You know this," Oliver raised his voice.

"Do I? Do I know that?" she yelled. "Yes!" he yelled back. "Really?" she said dubiously. "I would never lie to you... unless I had good reason!" he stated.

"Good reason? Wow! You are so selfish," she scoffed. "I have stood by you through everything. Non and Astra. Mon-El. And this is what I get?" he called off. "I can't even look at you. I can't do this anymore," Kara said as she headed for the door. "What are you doing?" Oliver said. "I'm sorry," she breathed opening the door.

Oliver scoffed and laughed dryly, "You know what, fine. Believe what you want to believe. Huh, yeah I'm done." He walked past Kara and left through the door.

He left.


She drove him away!

She reached out her hand and gently caressed the empty side of the bed, as tears welled up in her eyes. No! She wouldn't cry. She made the right call. At least, she thought she did.

"I'm sorry, Ollie. I'm sorry," she cried softly.

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