I Still Want You

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Sequel to I'm Sorry. Six months have passed since Kara and Oliver's split. Oliver went back to Star City for good. Kara's a reporter still and is given an assignment by Cat Grant to do a story on the Mayor of Star City at a charity gala. Little does she know, Oliver is the mayor.

6 months after the break up...

She was late for work. Again. She was just getting out of the elevator and heading into her office. And setting her stuff down. "Kira!" she heard her boss call. Kara exhaled sharply before rushing to answer her boss's beck and call. "Yes, Ms. Grant," she breathed walking into Cat's office.

"There you are! I have a job for you," Cat said. "Of course," Kara said, "what do you need?" "There's a charity gala for all the orphanages in Star City being held there tonight by the mayor. I need you to interview him and his guests," Cat informed. "Yes, ma'am. You can count on me," Kara said. And with that, she left Cat's office and went to go prepare for tonight.

Later that night...

Kara was walking through the doors of the building where they were having the event.

She had decided to wear her hair down that night letting her hair fall past her shoulders. She wore a form-fitting black dress that stopped a few inches above her knee. She also wore a pair of black four inch block heels with straps and her fake glasses.

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After meeting a few people and interviewing them, she went over to the bar and sat down on a stool

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After meeting a few people and interviewing them, she went over to the bar and sat down on a stool. A bartender made his way over to Kara and smiled, "What can I get you, Miss?" She was about to answer when someone else behind her beat her to the punch, "She'll have a club soda." The bartender nodded and went to go fix her drink. Kara turned around to see who had ordered for her and saw none other than Oliver Queen.

"Well, well, well. Look who it is. The world-famous cheater," she griped. "Good to see you, too, Kara," he replied, as he sat down next to her. He took a swig of his drink and said, "What are you doing here?" "In town on business doing an interview with someone important. I'd ask what you're doing, but I'm sure you're just here for the free alcohol," she said coolly.

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