Ever After

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Prompt: Takes place after Crisis On Infinite Earths where Kara is broken down over Oliver's death and mulls over the biggest regret in her life: never telling Oliver her true feelings. The Monitor gives her a gift. AU! Oliver never married Felicity.


5 weeks after Crisis

Kara stood there in the Hall of Justice alone in front of the arrow-shaped pyre in solemn sadness. "Hi, Oliver. Um, it's me, Kara," she started. "I don't know if you can hear me, but I just wanted to let you know that we miss you." She looked down at her hands awkwardly, "You were a hero to me and to everyone else. I'm sorry for what happened... and not telling you the truth."

She looked up at the glass case containing his suit, tears welling up in her eyes, and let the waves of grief overcome her. "It's just... It just seems that I can't seem to be able to tell the people I love the truth," she cried softly. "No matter what I do, it seems I'm always hiding something. Whether it's not telling the truth to Lena or... Or not telling you how I feel."

She collapsed on to her knees letting the pain wash over her. "I should've told you how I felt before," she sobbed, "but I was afraid that it would change things between us and-- and it took you so long to trust me before and I didn't want to ruin what we already had." Tears were streaming down her face now, as she mourned the loss of her friend and not telling Oliver how she truly felt about him.

Once her breathing had evened out enough that she could speak she whispered, "I love you, Oliver. I've always loved you."

She was so busy grieving that she didn't even notice the presence of the Monitor standing a few feet away staring her with something akin to sympathy gracing his features. This wasn't right! This wasn't supposed to happen to the Paragon of Hope. He may not be able to change his death, but he can change his life; he can change their lives. This he could do for the Saviors of the Multiverse. This he could do for Oliver Queen and his love Kara.

To Be Continued...


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⏰ Last updated: Jun 24, 2020 ⏰

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