Arrow ~ Missing ~ Part One

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Prompt: What if Kara helped Oliver out during the last few episodes of season 5?

Kara was sitting on her couch in the loft nursing a glass of wine and wrapped in a blanket. Only hours before had she sent the love of her life into space and now here she was depressed and alone. She was content on being alone for the rest of the evening until she heard something behind her. She quickly turned around and saw a breach in her living room.

Quickly setting her wine glass down, but still keeping her blanket wrapped around her shoulders, she stood up from where she was sitting just in time to see Cisco and Oliver step out of the portal. "Oliver, Cisco? What's--" she began. "Kara, I'm sorry for barging in. I don't have time to explain right now, but there's something happening and I... I need your help," Oliver said. Kara quickly whooshed away and came back in the full super-suit.

"What do you need?" Kara smirked.

Cisco looked between the two of them and chuckled, "Yeah, Oliver, I think you got this."


16 hours earlier, Earth-1

Oliver, Quentin, and Thea were in the conference room watching the newscaster report on the revelation of Adrian Chase and his incarceration. "Former District Attorney Adrian Chase faces multiple counts of capital murder among other charges. SCPD spokesperson Alison Roy credits the Green Arrow with bringing the man known as the Throwing Star Killer to justice," said the announcer.

Thea turned off the TV and smiled at her brother who was still pacing as listened to the report. "Well, it looks like the Green Arrow is a hero again, whoever he is," Thea stated. "Yup, and the mayor ain't doing too bad either. The "Sentinel" has got your approval ratings back up to 70%," Quentin informed handing the ratings to Oliver.

The aforementioned vigilante stopped mid-beat and grabbed the paper with a look of disbelief.

"What? Was it ever that high?"

"Hmm, no, it wasn't. Um, anyway, listen, if you'll excuse me, I got to go find Rene and remove his head from his ass," Quentin grumbled making to leave the the room. Thea shook her head in confusion. "Wait. What?" she asked. "Rene missed a hearing about possibly getting his daughter back," Oliver quickly explained. "Hey, Quentin."


"If you need help with that, just let us know, OK?" Oliver offered. "Yeah, thanks. Yeah, will do. Oh, by the way, I'm sorry. I almost forgot. Happy Birthday, Mr. Mayor," Quentin smiled. Oliver snorted, "Thank you." Taking that as his cue, Quentin left the Queen siblings in the conference room. Once the door closed behind the vice mayor, They pounced on him. "We should get a drink tonight. We haven't celebrated your birthday in I can't remember how long," she said.

"I remember the last time we celebrated yours," Oliver cringed. "Oh, God. We decided not to talk about that again," Thea sighed. "Four years? You've changed a lot, Speedy," Oliver reminisced. "We both have," she smirked. "Well..." Oliver started. His sister chuckled and rolled her eyes. "We should celebrate that tonight as well as your birthday," she smiled.

"Appreciate it, but I already have plans," Oliver said, making his way out of the conference room and into his office with Thea not far behind. "With who? Please say, "not Susan Williams," she begged. "Um, it--no. Uh, with Felicity," Oliver stammered. "As in a date?" the younger sibling folded her arms. "As--as in I--I don't know if it's a date," Oliver rambled. "But you're hoping it is?" she pried. "It's dinner. Haha! People go to dinner," the archer blushed. "See, I don't believe you, but I find it incredibly cute," Thea replied cheekily. Oliver groaned as he quickly left behind a smirking Thea.

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