I Love You

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Prompt: Kara to go to City Hall for her interview and finds out that Oliver is the mayor. They finally confess their feelings.

  After Oliver had left her hotel room, Kara continued to get dressed and then made her way down to the lobby where she was met, to her surprise, by Diggle. "John, what are you doing here?" she asked. "I'm here to pick up Oliver and take him to his job at City Hall. What are you doing here?"

  "Wait, Oliver works at City Hall?" Kara asked. "Well, I would hope so, he's the mayor now," Diggle answered jokingly. "What?" Kara asked in shock. "Diggle, hey, I'm ready, I just had... Kara? What are you--" Kara slapped him in the face before he could finish his sentence. "Why did you lie to me, asshole?" she yelled.

  "What did I lie about this time?" Oliver scoffed as he messaged his jaw. "You didn't tell me that you're the mayor," Kara continued. "Well that's because you wouldn't believe me. Also, it wasn't really your business," Oliver stated. "Actually, I need to interview the mayor so it is my business!" Kara snapped. "Well, I don't have to let you interview me and maybe I could let you get fired," Oliver retorted. She groaned in frustration and stormed off out of the hotel.

  Diggle looked at Oliver expectantly and gestured for him to go after her. Oliver furrowed his eyebrows and crossed his arms defiantly. Diggle put his hands behind his back and smirked knowingly. "I don't know why you're smirking 'cause I'm not going after her," Oliver stated.

  Diggle only blinked one time and kept the smug expression on his face. "So you're really not going to talk to her?" Diggle questioned. Oliver risked glancing at the door and then looked back at his friend with an accusatory glare. "Go get her, Oliver," he smiled.

  Oliver didn't need anymore encouragement than that as he raced off to find the love of his life. Diggle watched him as he exited the hotel and smiled. Then he pulled out his phone and dialed a number and put the phone up to his ear. "Hello?" the person said on the other side. "Ms. Grant, your plan worked. He's going after her," he said. "Thank God," she replied.

  Meanwhile, Kara was walking down the sidewalk with tears running her eyes. "Kara!" she heard someone say behind her. She immediately quickened her pace, as she tried to get away, but it was no use. Oliver caught up to her and held her by the arms. "Get off me!" she yelled halfheartedly.

  Still, he respected her wishes and dropped his arms to his side. "What are you doing?" she exhaled. "I wanted to apologize," he answered glumly. "For what exactly? Oh, I know, for lying to me about being mayor or maybe using that as an excuse to sleep with me," she said as a statement rather than a question.

  "Both, actually. It was wrong and I'm sorry. I just missed you and I missed the feeling of waking up next to you," Oliver explained. Kara looked up at him and smiled gently, "I miss that feeling, too." There was silence between them until Kara began to cry. "I'm sorry! I didn't mean what I said to you. I'm sorry about what I said." Oliver felt his eyes tearing up as well and said,

  "There's nothing to forgive." Then he decided to kiss her passionately and lovingly on the lips. She reciprocated the kiss and ran her hands found the back of his neck and raked her fingers through his short hair. When they broke apart they rested their foreheads against each other and Oliver said, "I love you." She smiled and kissed his cheek, "I love you, too."

  "So, can I get that interview now or am I going to have to "treat you nicer" than before?" Kara smiled suggestively. Oliver chuckled, "Well, seeing as though you're so persistent and the fact that we have a lot of catching up to do, I say that we should discuss any further business back at my home office." He leaned in close to plant a kiss on the corner of her mouth. "I agree," she replied before embracing him in another kiss.


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