The Long Experiment

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This is a prompt from AllyBPBR. Prompt: "Make one where Oliver and Kara grow closer post-Crisis On Earth-X."
In this one-shot, Felicity still rejects Oliver's proposal. However, Oliver still tries to make it work despite them having many arguments since Barry and Iris's wedding. Meanwhile, Kara is still struggling with Mon-El and Imra's relationship. By the way, I apologize in advance to all the Olicity shippers for what I'm about to do.

Earth-1, Central City Park

"Bartholomew Henry Allen, Iris Ann West, I now pronounce you husband and wife. Please kiss your bride," Diggle stated. Barry and Iris leaned in and kissed each other. Oliver stood there and smiled gently. His friend, his prodigy had done the impossible for superheroes like them: He found his happily ever after. Well, at least one of them did.

"They look so happy together. It's like they were destined to get married," Felicity smiled as she reached for Oliver's hand. He almost flinched away, but then decided to look at her incredulously. By this time Diggle had come to stand by him and Felicity and noticed the look Oliver was giving Felicity. Oliver scoffed lightly and said in a somewhat snarky tone, "Yeah. They do seem like a happy, perfect couple eager to take the next step in their relationship." Felicity turned her head towards him with a confused look on her face, while Diggle arched an eyebrow. "And what's that supposed to mean?" Felicity asked. Oliver yanked his hand out of her grasp and mumbled something under his breath.

Now, trust and believe Oliver was happy for Barry. But what about him? When would he get to have what Barry had? It seemed like everyone around him was moving on with life and had found someone or a group of people they could call "family." Curtis may be single, but he still has Dinah and Rene. Diggle has Lyla and J. J. Barry has Iris. Wally has his dad. Cisco even has Harry Wells. Thea's got Quentin. Sara and Ray have the Legends. Even Caitlin has Killer Frost. Hell, his own Earth-X doppelganger, while a fucking asshole still had the love of Overgirl.

All he has is his son and barely Felicity.

Don't take it the wrong way, he loves his son with all his heart. But his son is just barely getting over his mother's death and even then, there's still a little bit of tension between them since only recently had William stopped blaming him for the death of Sam. And Felicity... she straight up blamed him for the last time they tried to get married. But maybe he can make it work.


I mean, his doppelgänger made it work. Thinking back to that, it was only then just twenty minutes ago when they said good-bye to the Danvers sisters that he really took a minute to admire Kara's beauty. The way her eyes would shine whenever she was happy. That smile that made his heart skip a beat. And her laugh. That laugh was so bright that it reached the darkest corners of his heart, though he would never admit that to anyone. He inwardly shushed the thoughts in his head and pushed them aside.

"Oliver, what is going on with you?" Felicity raised her voice drawing the attention of Barry and Iris who were still off in their own little world. "I'm fine, Felicity," Oliver hissed in frustration and slight aggression. "Woah, Ollie, are you okay?" Barry asked with concern. Oliver threw his head back and sighed, "Why is everyone asking me that?" "Because when I said that Barry and Iris were meant to be together, you blanked out and became a complete jackass," Felicity snapped.

"Okay, you know what, I'm not fine. I just lost an ally and a friend. I also witnessed my evil doppelganger look me in the eye and see nothing but weakness and despair and loneliness, while I looked into his and saw nothing but strength and actual happiness, in his own twisted version of it. Look, it just pisses me off that my evil persona, with all his darkness, could still find love and I..." he let that sentence trail off. He shook his head and exhaled. "I just don't like the fact that no matter how much good I do, I still end up losing everything," Oliver admitted. "Oliver, listen to me--" Diggle started, but was cut off when Oliver scoffed, "John, don't get me wrong I love your advice and it's very helpful, but I really just need some time to myself right now."

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