You See the Good In Me (Part 2)

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  In part two of this one-shot, Oliver invites Kara to his party. There, the two of them find out some secrets about each other that they never knew before.

  Kara raced down the hall and literally leaped into her Chemistry classroom right as the final bell rang. "Ms. Danvers, how nice of you to join us," the teacher said snidely. The class giggled quietly as Kara said, "Sorry I'm late, Mrs. Luthor." "Just take a seat," Mrs. Luthor grumbled. Kara scrambled to walk to where she usually sat next to Barry. However, she found Sara Lance, another one of her friends, sitting there instead. "What the hell, Sara?" Kara whispered. "Sorry, but you need to overcome your shyness and this is the only way," Sara replied. Kara shook her head in confusion.

  "Uh, Mrs. Luthor, there aren't any more seats left," Kara told Lilian. She just stared her before pointing to a seat across from Barry and Sara's table. She turned to follow where her teacher was pointing and saw an empty seat... Next to Oliver.

  Oh, jeez!

  Kara smiled nervously at the teacher before looking back at her friends, who were now smirking at her, narrowing her eyes in annoyance. She took out her notebook and turned her attention back to the board and listened in to what her teacher had to see. A little while into class, Kara was taking notes when Oliver tapped her shoulder. "Hey, I'm throwing a party this weekend on Saturday after the your sister's game. It'd be really cool if you came. We never see each other anymore. This could be a good chance to catch up," he said. Kara was stunned. "Oh, um, well... sure! Of course. I'll, uh, need to check with my parents first, but yeah, I-I'll be there," Kara stammered. "Great!" Oliver smiled.

After school

  Kara and Alex were in the car, on their way home and there was nothing but silence. "So, did anything interesting happen today?" Alex asked innocently. Kara glanced over at her sister weirdly. "No," she answered. "Really, nothing abnormal or surprising happened that you may wanna talk about. Alex rolled her eyes in annoyance. "For the love of sprock! Did Oliver ask you to come to the party?" Alex asked in exasperation. Kara snatched her head around to look at her sister with an accusatory glare. "I knew it! You, Barry, and Sara were in kahoots. You probably convinced Barry to get Oliver to switch classes and then him and Sara did the rest." 

  "Well, we didn't convince Oliver to invite you to his party. He was going to ask you anyway, but since you guys don't have all of the same classes and now with his dad constantly getting on him about spending more time at Queen Consolidated and you so focused on school and never socializing, he doesn't have any way really of inviting you. Plus, we knew that you sure as hell weren't about to talk to him without fainting," Alex pointed out.

  "Wh-- but... that... that is like... sooo untrue... ish," Kara spluttered. Alex gave her sister the famous "don't-bullshit-me" look, accompanied by the notorious "yeah-that'll-happen-when-hell-freezes-over" smirk. Almost immediately, Kara stopped protesting about her sister's meddling.

  "Well, I don't even think I want to go," Kara spoke. "Oh, please. You've been fawning over him for a year and a half, and now all of a sudden you don't want to go to a his party that he invited you to. Sis, you forget, I know you better than you know yourself," Alex stated, bringing her attention back to the road.

  Kara slumped against her seat, deep in thought. Maybe her sister was right. I mean, she has been in love with him for a long time now. And so far that she knows, he's still single. And while her and the others find it very unlikely that he will ever relinquish his playboy ways, there may come a day where he wants to settle down with someone or try to date someone or at least keep a girl around for more than two days before moving on and sleeping with the next girl. And she prayed that day would never come... At least not until she worked up the courage to tell him how she felt.

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