No solutions, just questions...

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Lately things have been more than hectic. It's like I was finally figuring out how to take things slow and then life embodied in all these new issues grabbed a hold of me and making sure slowing down wasn't an option. It's around the time of year everyone at school  begins freaking out about tests and long overdue assignments and honestly...

Though I'm on the more ambitious side, it's not like those who put in effort commonly receive reciprocal in results. Such a great education system. Pisses me off when you're effort is wasted... but no one else seems to care as much?

It's like a roller coaster only everyone is going forward and I keep getting flung backwards.
I keep noticing that my circumstances are ever changing where as before they were more stable. Which is understandable, that's just life.

But amidst all the insanity of life, how do people manage to still take care of themselves?

I feel like this generation is very focused on being independent and self care. Sometimes that's good and sometimes it can result in prideful narcissists but ah well. You do you.

In regard to independence, I feel like most of us are kinda forced into being such nowadays as it's like all our leaders are either utter idiots or are so stressed they don't actually care anymore. School teachers try to play the role of a gossip buddy rather than someone who will teach you valuable skills(it's not like they get payed enough to care nowadays anyway), politicians say they started their journeys to help their people and others but by the time they get to a position of power, they're corrupt and/or rundown by the ludicrous games in politics. Parents are beginning to play less and less of a role in children's lives assuming by the way we're independent, we don't need them but then it won't be their values we inherit, it'll be someone else's. And yes, that can be dangerous in particular cases and in others, it's fortunate because no, our parents won't get everything right. They should at least try though, why have a family if you don't?

This is why I'm amazed my generation is even making headlines with self care and appreciation because through all the busyness of life and the societal pressures we've been paired with like a ball and chain latched around our ankles, how do you find the time or even begin? How do some so easily lock away anxieties and never allow them to see the light of day? There are some seriously strong people out there and I'm beginning to question whether I am or ever was one... or will be.

Right now, I'm left with so many more questions than solutions.

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