summary: Obi-Wan Kenobi and reader have long been close friends, but never able to reveal their inmost feelings for each other. Throughout their lives, from their meeting to their silent confessions, they dream of each other's touch by their side. But while matrimony and attachment is forbidden, the two hope for a future in old age where they can truly abide in each other's love. Obi-Wan's vivid memories he shares with her encourage him to finally confess his love to her.
warnings: Fluff, a tid-bit of angst, may be a bit too long lol
O/e/c = other eye color or shades since eyes have different shades of the same colors. I was trying to be descriptive and still relative to the reader format.
word count: 6.1K
music: Throw the Coins from Sense and Sensibility (1995), Across the Stars Love Theme from Star Wars: Attack of the Clones (hehe), and Walk Beside Me(2016 version) by Celtic Woman.
The breeze was warm and held an alluring scent that stirred up Master Kenobi's memories as if they were being displayed through a hologram before him. The most alluring of those memories was one he shared with (Y/n) (L/n), a Jedi maiden he had met long ago when he himself was only a padawan under Qui-Gon Jinn's training. When he first laid eyes on her he had not noticed her features, but her manner. She was quiet, but it was not a shy sort of silence. It was a reserved silence, as if she had much to say and much to offer, but knew her place. She knew it well enough to realize not all of her thoughts would aid whatever conversation might be ongoing in her presence, something Obi-Wan found himself admiring subconsciously.
Upon looking at this woman, you could feel radiance teeming all around her. He could sense the Force from within her, radiating from her soul and from her mind in all facets. But it was different than anything he had sensed from anyone else. She was not special or gifted beyond their peers, but she was certainly different. She bore a special skill in discernment and wisdom, but it was common amongst padawans to grow into their own set of skills. The Force he sensed in her was ancient and pure, full of memory and forlorn knowledge. Yet she was so young, only a padawan. She was also Yoda's last padawan, the last student he trained on personal and individual terms. After her, he advised the younglings altogether and oversaw the Jedi Council Board and various missions.
But it was not for her (h/c) locks that complimented her (lily-white/sun-kissed/earthen-toned) skin, nor for the sound of her voice that sounded so like a soft rain that this radiance bloomed from. It came from within her, behind her kind (e/c) eyes that sparkled with traces of (o/e/c) around warmer hues of (o/e/c), where he could sense unfathomable wisdom beyond her years. It quite intrigued him.
Over the years, he had noticed and taken in more and more of this woman as he grew up under Qui-Gon's supervision and she under Yoda's. She was only ever outspoken if there was a dire need at hand, or if she felt a decision was being made in haste rather than by wise council.
Obi-Wan could remember a time in the midst of a council when she had spoken out of turn against a hasty decision to execute a man who had been charged of fraud and stealing scrolls from the Jedi temple. When the trial surfaced into a council meeting that she and Obi-Wan were advised to observe, the council quickly assumed that the man was aiding a group of Bounty Hunters that had been causing chaos within the city. The man seemed doomed from the start.
During the discussion, Obi had felt (Y/n)'s emotions grow more and more intense, he could feel her try to bite her tongue as the evidence was discussed, but when they claimed he should be executed, he felt her tense, as if a force had pushed her forward to speak up. He would admit he had not agreed to the direction the trial was going, but he had learned to keep his silence long ago. And his trust in the council overrode any doubt he felt surface in that moment.

Star Wars x Reader Inserts
FanfictionStar Wars characters x Reader Book || Status: ONGOING Requests: CLOSED [This book is under revision as of July 8th, 2022] Join Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, and many other beloved characters from the Star Wars films on fluff-fill...