· a/n: based on the request sent in by @spooky-mel. sorry, this part took forever. i decided to make it three parts so i could get this bit out to you. as i'm sure most of you know, things have been pretty hectic around the world lately. my great grandmother was also hospitalized due to lesions in her intestines from past surgeries, which ended up causing the beginning stages of gangrene, so my life just sort of flipped upside down all at once. she's now on the mend after an operation.
· summary: after the execution of Order 66, you are left with the frayed ends of a severed future. with the greatest loss a Jedi Master can experience and the overwhelming misbalance of the Force, you come across an unlikely path of hope in a galaxy filled with destitution.
· warnings: grief, ptsd, mentions of trauma/battles, some gore/ violence, much angst
· word count: 5.7K
· music: Table for Two by Abel Korzeniowski
It had been nearly five hours since you had been left on your own to travel to the Dune Sea. With every step you had taken, the weariness of your body, your mind, and even your soul, had increased little by little. The suns were burning bright orange on the edge of the horizon you had left behind, casting a deepening shadow across the skies ahead of you. Deep shades of blues blended seamlessly into a lovely purple above you, but even the pleasantries of the galaxy could not remedy the sores plaguing your feet or the blisters worn into the palm of the hand that held the quarterstaff.
Your meal from the cantina had long worn off and the hollow gnawing of hunger had resumed its bothersome sensation. You had nibbled on a few morsels of your food pellets but left the rest to rations. The canteen of water was still reasonably filled, but the vast sea of sand looming ahead of you was worrisome; half a canteen wouldn't last you several days in the desert.
Unexpectedly, the wind had picked up as it dragged itself across the desert. Every so often, you felt flecks of sand sprinkle against your face. It wasn't much unlike the sensation felt by water when splashed against you, but it was far more unpleasant – it was dry and almost sharp. You noticed now that it was not only the wind that had adjusted itself but also the temperature.
As the suns disappeared under the flat line of lifeless earth, the heat disappeared with them. Prickles of chilling cold spread across your skin in a frilled sensation of shivers. Pulling the hood of your cloak over your head, you glanced around, training every sense available to you in search of unwanted company. You had to admit it, there was a portion of uneasiness that swam through your nerves. You doubted you still had the energy left to withstand an ambush from savages.
You could see now, in the growing accumulation of inconveniences, that you hadn't been completely prepared for this journey. However, as the still waves of sand came nearer by the minute, you assumed that was the intention all along.
You had heard of stories in your training years ago that there were some tests that even the most Force-sensitive Jedi could not prepare themselves for. This, you believed, was yours.
Not just the journey to the Dune Sea or even the arrival to such a desolate planet of problematic inhabitants, but it was the entirety of this traumatic shift that had taken place in such very little time that unsettled you most. You hadn't seen any of this coming.
Not the betrayal of the clones you had considered comrades, the executions that followed, nor especially the death of Astra. The chance that Obi-Wan and Anakin could be dead as well – it still didn't compute properly in your mind. It couldn't be true.

Star Wars x Reader Inserts
FanfictionStar Wars characters x Reader Book || Status: ONGOING Requests: CLOSED [This book is under revision as of July 8th, 2022] Join Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, and many other beloved characters from the Star Wars films on fluff-fill...