a/n: This is the second part to the request submitted by @kashyykian. And again with the gif; creds to the creator, htis on tumblr.. And yes, this is a three part series now as well because if I finished it all in two, this part would be well over 6K.
summary: You must make a decision; abide by the code, for which you've spent your entire life studying, or succomb to the sea of emotions as they begin to drown out your conscience. Should you allow anger to finally taint your heart as the inevitable sensation of betrayal knaws at you? Or forgive Anakin's oblivious decision, allowing yourself to begin to release your feelings for him?
warnings: anger, rude conversing, the tempting of the dark side
word count: 4.1K
music: Across the Stars by John Williams
Your eyes scanned the large room filled with cushioned tables and flashing monitors. Small swiveling stools were stationed by each monitor, as well as identical carts carrying devices and supplies that could be wheeled with ease down the elongated corridor. It was a community infirmary, where all padawans, Jedi, and other passing officials – such as handmaidens, palace guards, and even a few members of the Queen's council - could come for a quick check-up.
You ignored the beeping of the pen-like probe as it made its way over your forehead, neck, and chest. Practically making yourself ignorant to whatever the nurse was doing, you tried to force your focus on something other than your feelings for Anakin.
There were only three other patients in the room; two bruised up padawans accompanied by their masters, who hovered by the working nurses patiently, and one guard from the courtyard being bandaged around the arm. Several dozen tables were lined up throughout the floor - which was large enough to hold a ball for all of Naboo - without any patients occupying them. A few advanced med units were dotted around, although they were sparse. Most of the advanced equipment was reserved for the emergency ward, which was located deeper within the palace.
"(Y/n)!" Anakin whispered sharply, nudging your arm.
"Huh?" Your eyes flicked back to Anakin, who jutted his head toward the nurse. Her gaze was expectant, as if she was on the edge of a question, waiting for answer. "Oh, I'm sorry, what?"
"Can you tilt your head to the left for me, please?"
"Oh, yes, sorry." You stammered, correcting the direction of your head and adjusting your posture. She rolled her stool closer and with a quick hand, pressed the tip of a small vapor-sampler to your neck. With a faint sound similar to the release of steam out of a small geyser, the sampler inserted a small amount of medicine into your blood stream. You scrunched your face as the sensation prickled, but it faded rather quickly. The nurse turned to the cart and traded the vapor-sampler for another pen-like device. With it, she hovered it over your body, watching the monitor closely.
"Your vitals are stable, although I did record a recent history of fluctuation in your blood pressure. I would advise the avoidance of stress for the next few hours at least," The nurse turned back to you and pulled her hand away from your body. The device she had been using a device to scan your vitals found its way back onto the metal cart next to the table you had been seated on. She plastered a gentle and unwarranting smile on her face, as though she hadn't expected any other result from your scan. You curled your fingers into loose fists as embarrassment settled over you. "I recommend you eat a full dinner and get some rest, young padawan."
Avoid stress? Well, that's just peachy.
My best friend just confessed his love for the Senator of the planet, and I'm supposed to avoid being stressed? How was I supposed to handle that calmly?

Star Wars x Reader Inserts
FanfictionStar Wars characters x Reader Book || Status: ONGOING Requests: CLOSED [This book is under revision as of July 8th, 2022] Join Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, and many other beloved characters from the Star Wars films on fluff-fill...