It's been brought to my attention by a lovely reader of mine that some of my Star Wars stories have been plagiarized and published on Deviant Art without my consent and without giving credit to me - the real author. On top of that, they changed the titles of my stories, but the content is 100% the same and word for word what I have written with my original ideas.If you see any of my work without the username LILLIANOFLITERATURE, IT IS NOT ME. I have never given anyone permission to repost my work in any way or on any platform, and I never will. I spend hours, weeks, and months planning ideas, dialogue, and polishing my work.
I have a Wattpad account, a Tumblr account, and I just went back and updated my Deviant Art account. All have the same username, LILLIANOFLITERATURE and the same avatar and cover photo for my profile. I have no other accounts on any other websites that are active.
Please, if you spot or see anything, let me know.
Copying other people's work and posting it, no matter your intentions, is not okay!
It's downright disrespectful and extremely insensitive to the time and hard work writers pour into their work, fanfiction or not - writing is writing! Literature is literature!
And plagiarism is ILLEGAL.
Just because it's fanfiction and the canon characters from the movies, shows, or books are not mine, MY STORIES THAT I WRITE ABOUT THEM ARE. Just because it's difficult to deal out penalities for fanfiction that's been plagiarized doesn't make it any better or okay for anyone to do so. It's deceitful, disgusting, and completely shameful. NEVER repost, copy, plagiarize, steal, or anything else to other people's work! All of my stories come from personal experiences in my life - some are very painful things that I've had to go through. Stealing them and taking credit for something you know nothing about it a horrendous act.
You should be ashamed of yourself.
Also, if anyone feels like stealing my work ever again, please know that I have dates on Tumblr, Wattpad, and documents on my laptop and other devices that prove these documents, stories, and ideas are mine and mine alone. I can easily disprove whatever claims you may have they are yours - you can never get away with lying.
Any advice on how to handle this and prevent it from occuring again would be greatly appreciated.
Xx Lillian

Star Wars x Reader Inserts
FanfictionStar Wars characters x Reader Book || Status: ONGOING Requests: CLOSED [This book is under revision as of July 8th, 2022] Join Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, and many other beloved characters from the Star Wars films on fluff-fill...