a/n: WHoops this turned into a three-parter dudes. The first kiss scenario addition to this mini series was requested by tom-parkers-girl on Tumblr.
This also took a darker turn that I didn't intend - bit y'know it's whatever.
summary: Upon his return to his homeplanet Tatooine, Luke sets out to find you. Around every corner, there you could be, bartering or trading, working or even strolling about. But even this close to his possible success, those same questions lingered in his mind. Were you even there? Had you finally left for the Academy? Or worse, would his return even mean anything to you? Or had you moved on in his sudden absence? What he finds there isn't like anything he could have anticipated.
warnings: tears, fluff, mentions/descriptions of physical wounds and torture, also the second half of this sucks I'm so sorry
word count: 6K (OOPSIES)
music: District 12 Ruins by James Newton Howard
The body of the X-Wing rattled slightly as it landed in a plume of swirling sand on Tatooine's vast dessert plain, just on the edge of Anchorhead. The whirring and rumbling of the control panel and engine occupied Luke's attention until the ship had stilled completely. When the hatch opened, dust billowed off its frame and rode on the dry air. With the unclipping of his seat straps and the removal of his tinted helmet, Luke squinted in the blaring light of the twin suns. He had almost forgotten the unbelievable sensation of the heat, and the intimate warmth in which they radiated settled upon your skin. But a mere few seconds under the same skies and Luke felt as though he'd never left - it was all too familiar.
And while Luke could say he was grateful to have ventured into other areas of the galaxy, he couldn't deny that he had missed the fragrance, the feel, and the look of his home planet. While it did not smell muskily exotic like the forests of Endor, sweet like the abundance of blossoms on Naboo, or as sharp as the wind on Hoth, it was home. It was comfort.
It was a dull smell; a dry, scentless sensation, if left untouched by the addition of civilization. If the strong wind that blew over the dessert came heftily enough through the walls of the city and over the beige plains, you might smell the distant aroma of metallic exhaust or engine fluids from the shops full of broken-down ships and junkyards full of scraps.
"R2, make sure those rotors are stabilized before we dispatch the anchoring clips. We had some trouble with those last time."
Beep, whirrrrrr.
"No, it can't be a faulty cable. I just inspected them before we left the base."
Blip blip, wheeoooo. Beep.
"What? Alright, I'll just block them manually. I'm going down." Luke descended down the side of the ship, landing with a small thud as his boots collided with the dry sand. Without so much as a glance over his shoulder, he knelt down and fumbled with a series of gears and wires. With one quick adjustment, four metal prongs popped out behind each leg of the X-Wing, finding their way into the sand and clutching onto the loose earth. With a calculating look at each of the rotors he had exposed, he stood and began shucking off his bulky flight uniform.
When he finished taking off his layers, he rolled everything up and shoved it inside a storage hatch in the rear of the small vessel. When the unit clicked shut, Luke finally turned around to face the horizon, where the earth-toned shapes of Anchorhead rose above the flat plains enough to be distinguishable. When his eyes settled upon the sight of his hometown, his lips parted in solemn shock. He didn't expect it to be so comforting, so welcoming - to finally return to a place he was so familiar with. it stunned him, to say the least. After all, he had spent the last few years begging his Uncle Owen to let him leave the surface of Tatooine.

Star Wars x Reader Inserts
FanfictionStar Wars characters x Reader Book || Status: ONGOING Requests: CLOSED [This book is under revision as of July 8th, 2022] Join Obi-Wan Kenobi, Anakin Skywalker, Luke Skywalker, and many other beloved characters from the Star Wars films on fluff-fill...