Chapter 2: Tell me you love me

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Lauren's POV

I never slept so well in my entire life. I had a wonderful dream, in which Dani and I finally became a couple. Gosh, I wish it could be true. I woke up to see I was laying in Dani's bed but she wasn't there anymore. Glad that none of my sisters noticed that I was sleeping with her. I mean, it was just for protecting her but you know, my sisters could jump into conclusions quickly, if they saw us two together. I quickly put some clothes on and went downstairs.

"Hey, sweetie! Don't you know why is Dani in her bathroom for so long?" My mum asked me.

"She is in the bathroom? I didn't even notice that probably because of that I am still sleepy. Wait, I am gonna check her!" I yawned and rushed back upstairs. I stopped in front of the door to hear quiet sobs from there.

"Dan, what's wrong? Please, just open the flippin door! It's Lauren and I care about you!" I knocked on the door so many times and my effort was worth it. Dani finally opened the door but she was devastated.

"Spice, what happened?"

"I-I-just broke with Emmyn." She couldn't stop crying and seeing her like that hurt me a lot.

"Oh my poor one but why did you two break up? You seemed happy with him."

"I don't know, I just have stronger feelings for someone else."

"Can I know who it is?"

"I don't think I can tell you that now. Can we just please, come downstairs? I will be okay plus I am hungry!"

"Okay Spice, let's go."

"So, what happened with her, Lauren? Why was she crying?" My dad asked.

"She just broke up with her boyfriend." Cheeky smile appeared on my face because of that she was single again.

"Yeah but I will be okay." Dani smiled at everyone here. Then she decided to cook my speciality, avocado toast with scrambled eggs for all of us. Flip, her butt, I wish I could squeeze it. And her lit body moves damn, I could stare at her for hours.

"Ladybug, Am I interrupting you?" I came back to my senses when Lisa spoke to me.

"N-No. Of course no. What do you want from me?"

"Maybe it will be better to talk somewhere else. Can I meet you in your room?" I was surprised at first but then happily nodded. I love talking with Lisa. She is the second closest sister to me, we are the only introverted girls in our family.

"Lauren, why are you observing Dani so much? I mean, it's obvious. So, time for the frying pan of the you like Dani, I mean more than your sister and friend?"

"Yes, Lise. I don't like her, I love her. I always did. I am just scared to admit my feelings for her. You know, it's against our family and our faith."

"Don't worry Ladybug, I will keep this secret safe. I just wanted you to know that I support you two, your happiness is the most important thing for me. Now, we can head back downstairs." Lisa winked at me. I couldn't believe that someone from my family can accept our love.

A month l8er...

Dani's POV

I came to her room this evening, to watch Netflix with her. After we finished watching it, I decided to finally admit something. It's been a month since Lauren noticed my nightmare about her and I think that she finally needs to know the truth.

"Dan, please tell me, who was the reason of your breakup? I can't stop thinking about this mystery since you told me about that.." Lauren looked straight into my eyes and I immediately got lost in her beautiful eyes. C'mon Dani, be confident and fearless like you always are. It's now or never, you can't hide your feelings forever. I took a deep breath before I said:

"The reason of my breakup was...were you, Lauren."


"Yes, you Lauren Christine Cimorelli. I have always loved you. It was always you about who I was thinking about. It was always you who could drive me crazy."

"I-I don't know what to say, Dan."

"It's okay if you don't feel the same way. I know it's weird just to love a girl, not even your own sister. I will be okay with that if you don't love me. I can move on."

"N-No. I wanted to tell you this for a long time. I am gay for you Danielle Nicole Cimorelli and I do love you. You can't imagine how many sleepless nights I outlived just because I couldn't stop thinking about you."

"So, tell me do you love me? Like for real?"

"Yes, I really do. Do you want me to prove?" Lauren smirked at me and my heartbeat started getting faster. I bit my lip as I was looking straight into her eyes. She noticed that and started leaning in. Am I dreaming or is this really happening? Did Lauren just admit that she loves me too and is she about to kiss me?

"Close your eyes." Lauren obliged and I happily obeyed. Soon, I could feel her warm, fresh breath on my face, then she put her hands on my cheeks and my body immediately started shivering, just at her touch. Finally, it happened. The moment I was waiting for my entire life. Lauren just freaking kissed me. It was the most beautiful thing I have ever experienced. Her soft, kissable lips were made for me.

"You know this is so wrong but it feels so right. Does it feel good?" She pulled away.

"You have no clue how good." I pulled her back to me and reconnected our lips. Soon, things got pretty heated.

"Get on my bed." Lauren said in a seductive tone. I laid on her bed and waited for what she will do with me.

"You have no idea how long I was waiting for this." Lauren slowly started kissing my neck and I released a quiet moan.

"Lauren, we are getting carried away. I mean, this feels so good and I want to have it with you someday but it's just too early. We just admitted our love today plus you don't wanna get caught by our sisters, right?"

"Okay, you're right. Sorry for that, I was just so desperate." Lauren sighed.

"Uh but maybe I can stay here tonight?" I blushed.

"Yes, I don't mind it." Lauren smiled at me and kissed my cheek.

"I can't believe you are finally mine." I said to her and soon, we both fell asleep in embrace.

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