Chapter 9: I will protect you

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Lauren' s POV

"OMG Lauren, congratulations, we are so happy for you!" My oldest brother Mike smiled at me and my other brothers just agreed with him.

"Will it be my niece or my nephew? Please, tell me it's a boy, then I will teach him everything. I will build forts, play computer games or football with him." Joey asked me.

"Joseph, look I don't know the gender of it, not yet." I just smiled at his frowned expression.

"As long as it will be healthy, I don't care." Kath spoke up while she was baking some delicious cake.

"Who did this to you, I will kill that person! How could you dare to make a child, Lauren!" Christina suddenly appeared.

"I am sorry, I didn't want this to happen either." I sat down and started playing with my fingers.

"How come that? So then why did you ruin your life and career! Lauren you still had time, look, I am 28 and married but I still don't have any kids!"

"I-I didn't know what I was doing. I was drunk." I covered my face because I felt nothing but shame.

"And it's enough, young lady! Your behavior is unacceptable! At first you fell in love with your own sister, then got drunk and even accidentally made your own kid with some man!" Christina yelled at me.

"Christina, please, stop! You shouldn't hate her and blame her for everything!" Lisa shook her head.

"Stop yelling at my Sugar!" Dani came closer to me and protectively hugged me. 

"So, I am here, what did you want to tell me?" Jamie barged into our house.

"And who is this?" Christina had no clue that there was something between me and Jamie in the past.

"Christina, I made it with this guy. Jamie is its father, I am sorry!"

"What are you talking about? I am not a father?" 

"Yes Jamie, you are. Look at this." I lifted my shirt to see my growing belly.

"Oh fuck, this all sucks. I told you that we both will regret this soon. How will I be able to take care of it? It was really unexpected, I didn't want this. I am still young and we were never even dating." Jamie slapped his head.

"I am sorry, Jamie."

"Well, you have to be! After all, you were the one who caused it, you drunk whore! I never wanna see you again!" Jamie was about to slap my face when Dani crossed his path.

"Don't you dare to touch my baby ever again! Well, at first you dared to steal Lauren from me and now you want to hurt this innocent creature?! I won't let this happen, in contrast of you, douchebag, I really love Lauren and I care about her so much! And don't worry about the kid, I will take care of it." Dani stopped him and all sisters except Christina protectively surrounded me.

"She is not innocent, she is unpredictable and dangerous! She is a slut who ruined my life! I wish she could die!" Jamie couldn't shut his mouth and his words really hurt me. I never thought he can turn into the cruel one. My child deserved a better father but now, it's too late. Maybe he was right, I am just a slut.

"Shut your stupid mouth and get out of our house, you jerk! How could you dare to use rude words against our daughter? I never wanna see you around Lauren again, do you understand me?" My dad bursted into anger.

"Sure, sir. I am not interested in her anymore." He sticked his tongue out and ran away.

At the backyard...

"Dani, I hate myself. I didn't want to ruin my life like this. Jamie was right, I am just a slut." I started crying.

"Lauren, it wasn't your fault. I completely understand you, you shouldn't blame yourself, I forgive you. You were drunk. He should be the one to make up his mind."

"Yes but if I wasn't drunk, none of this would have happened." I continued blaming myself.

"Lauren but you really love that baby, don't you?" Dani smiled at me and started caressing my belly.

"Yeah, I mean I didn't want it this early but I will keep it and take care of it."

"You will take care of it with me. I know the destiny didn't grant women couples with the opportunity to make their own child but hey, I will give all my love to it, like it was my own. I don't care if you made it with Jamie, I really don't mind it. Together, we can handle everything!"

"Will you love it like you love me?"

"Of course, Lauren. C'mon, it will be all okay. I will take care of it. I will never let you go." 

"Dan, I can't thank you enough for everything you have done for me. And what you did to protect me from Jamie, was really brave." I pecked her cheek.

"It was a little thing. Anything to keep the love of my life safe. I can't imagine losing you babe." 

"I can't imagine losing you either. I love you Dan." We pulled into a tight hug.

Christina's POV

I was walking around our backyard, to check if everything around the house is okay. When I saw Dani and Lauren, I just hid behind the bush and continued watching them. I have never seen Lauren so happy with anyone. I could tell they really care about each other. Maybe, I should change my stupid behavior and support them. After all, my whole family is against me. I came closer to them but they immediately pulled away when they saw me. I am sorry for all the fears and tears I caused them.

"Calm down you two, I am not gonna hurt you or anything. I changed my opinion." They just looked at me with shock.

"What? We don't trust you!" Dani yelled at me. They really have a reason to be mad with me, after all of the bad things I did to them.

Lauren's POV

"Well, believe or not, just wanted you to know that you two finally convinced me. I won't stand in your way anymore, okay? I fully support your love. I almost bawled my eyes out when I saw this. I have never seen somebody care about someone so much. I am sorry for all of that what I did to you in past. I feel really guilty." Christina admitted and walked away.

"Did you really believe her?" Dani asked me.

"Yep, I could tell that just by her guilty look. See, I told you that she will understand what is right." I smiled at her.

"Now, nothing stands in our way. Nothing. You are just mine, Lauren Christine Cimorelli. I won't give you to anyone. You are stuck in my presence."

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