Chapter 3: Our little trip to Rome

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Two weeks later.

Dani's POV

"Buon giorno, bella principessa!" Lauren woke up and looked at me surprisingly.

"What does this mean, babe? Since when you are speaking Italian?"

"Oh c'mon, Laur. Our family has italian origins, I must know something. Nah, ok, I was kidding. It was just a hint." I smirked.

"A hint? What?" Lauren seemed lost and I was about to explain my little surprise to her but... Lisa barged into Lauren's room.

"I got it, Dan! Here are the air tickets!" 

"What are you two even talking about? Why is there any air tickets needed?"

"Oh, your lover didn't tell you that before? You two are going to Rome today!" Lisa winked at me.

"What? How come that? No way!" Lauren was still shocked.

"I want to have you just for me. I want to spend romantic moments with you." I whispered to Lauren's ear and she immediately blushed.

At the airport...

"Okay, love birds, we are here, just wanted you to know that I happily arranged this for you! Hope you will enjoy the time there and if know, just text me. Bye loves and have a safe flight!" Me and Lauren got out of Lisa's car and started walking towards departures hall. We went through check in and soon, our plane landed, so we got on the board.

"Dang, this pressure of departure, I am still sick of it, despite of that we have flown so many times." I referred to my blocked ears.

"I know Dan, me too. It's just a little uncomfortable but nothing life-threatening."

"But what if the plane crashes, we will die!" I became scared.

"Honey, you can't think like this. If it will happen, then it will happen, you can't do anyhing against it. And after all, we will die together. But nope, I am sure nothing bad will happen. Plane is the most safe mean of transport, you know, just chill." 

In Rome...

Lauren's POV

Fortunately, we happily landed in the capital city of Italy, Rome. I always wanted to live in Italy, even though just for a bit and now, my dream became true. What can be better than staying in your favorite city with your love? Let's get this adventure started!

"Wow, I have never been here. Lisa really knows what is good. Do you know where are situated any tourist attractions?"

"No, I don't but we have a map. I am pretty good at orientation hmm...what if we go to see Di Trevi fountain first, whatcha think, Dan? I think, we must go this way, according to the map."

Di Trevi fountain...

"We finally managed it! Look, I wasn't wrong, now you can thank me. I bet without me you would be lost." I laughed at confused Dani.

"Hahah very funny, Laur. I am so tired of this walking ugh."

"C'mon, don't be a sucker. Do you know this fountain is helpful?"

"No, how come that?"

"Well, I read somewhere on internet that who throws a coin into this fountain, this person will come back to Rome and also if someone wishes something, the wish should be filled!"

"Like really Lauren, do you believe in some myths?"

"Well, for an attempt, it stands! Let's do this together, say your wish and then throw your coin into this water!"

"I wish that I could stay with this girl standing next to me forever." Both of us said and threw our coins into the crystalic blue water."

"I really meant that! I love you!" Dani smiled at me and I pecked her cheek. Then we saw a colosseum, forum romanum, St.Pete's basilica and popular Spanish steps. After the sightseeing, we finally got into our hotel.

Lisa's POV

"Lisa Michelle Cimorelli?! How could you send Dani and Lauren somewhere alone! I dare you to explain!" Christina yelled at me.

"But Chrisis, it was just for their good..."

"For their good? What about our concerts and new music?"

"Christina, they won't be there forever, just for one week."

"Oh, nice but...what if something will happen with them? It won't be my responsibility and actually, where they went?"

"Somewhere in the Europe, it's not your business, they are okay, don't worry."

"It's not my business? You pig, you won't be playing with your boss! Tell me, now!"

"Stop Christina, didn't you hear, they are okay. Why do you keep bothering our sister?" Katherine became worried.

"Yeah, Chris, let Lisa breathe a little. Dani and Lauren will be okay. Here, c'mon, I will show you my new painting!" Amy grabbed Christina's hand and our strict leader finally left me alone.

That night...

Christina's POV

You are right, I am very obnoxious person sometimes but I can't help myself. Something about Dani and Lauren just keeps bothering me. Like why would they go abroad, together? I must find this out. I quietly came into Lisa's room, trying not to wake her up. I am sure that secret place can be found in her phone. I quickly grabbed her phone and left sleeping Lisa alone.

I wasn't wrong. So according to Lisa's texts, Dani and Lauren went to Rome, to spend... romance? What!!! Does this mean my two little sisters are dating?! No way, these two sinners will regret this so bad! I left my house and sat into Nick's car. Me and Nick are coming for you, Danielle and Lauren!

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