Chapter 5: I can't live without you

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Lauren's POV

"Christina!" I immediately rushed to her when I saw her. But I got no response. Of course she hates me, I am nothing, just a freaking sinner for her.

"Christina, please, listen to me, I can explain!" I stopped her.

"Get your flippin hands out of me, there is nothing to explain and basta!"

"Christina, how could you dare, how could you dare to tear us apart?! Don't you see my world is crumbling down?" I started crying but nothing worked on her.

"I did that for your good. After time, you will thank me!"

"But all you did left me just... brokenhearted. Can I please see Dani, just for a second? It is already a week without her!" I went on my knees and begged her.

"No way, young lady. Why should I allow you to see her? To kiss and fuck her again? Forget that! Now, let me please walk away."

I can't believe that my own sister is so cruel. Why it is so bad to love your own sister? Why exactly I must have fallen in love with the wrong gender? How Am I supposed to live without my baby? It fucking hurts... I kneeled down and laid my head against wall.

"Hey, Lauren, are you okay? What is bothering you?" Amy asked.

"Yeah, I am okay. Don't worry." I gave her a fake smile.

"Is it because of Dani? I can see you really love and miss her!"

"What? So now, even you know about our thing? Please, just don't hate me!"

"I told her that, sorry." Lisa joined us with a popcorn in her hands.

"Laur, look at me and calm down. Hey, we wanna help you, we are not like Christina!" Amy lifted my chin.

"Yes, we fully support your love, we can see you two really care about each other!" Lisa winked.

"But what about our faith? Isn't incest supposed to be a sin?" 

"Forget about that, Lo. We want you two to be happy. C'mon, I know where Dani is!" Lisa grabbed my hand and we dissapeared from the house.

Dani's POV

She freaking did that. She tore us apart. I still can't believe that I am stuck here, without Lauren's presence. I miss her so much, I can't get her out of my head. Christina left me here, at my cousin's house. I wish Lauren could get me out of here. Now, I am hopelessly sitting on heavy bed, playing sad songs on my guitar but nothing helps me. I can't move on, I can't live without HER...

"Dani, open the door! It's me, Lisa!"

"Lise, go away! I don't wanna see anybody, I have depression and I want to be alone, please!" I yelled back at her.

"And what if I told you that Lauren is here?" She kept talking with me.

"Haha, good joke Lise. How could she find me?" I started laughing.

"Well, do you wanna see her or not? Get your lazy butt from that bed and find it out!" Lisa couldn't shut her mouth.

I slowly opened the door and couldn't believe that Lisa was right. 

"Guess who is here?!" Lauren welcomed me with opened arms.

"Baby? How did you find me?" I jumped into her arms.

"Well, thank Lisa for that!"

"Gosh, you have no idea how much I missed you!"

"I think I am in addition here. I am gonna leave you two alone." Lisa winked at us.

Lauren's POV

"You have no idea how much I missed this. I missed the sweet taste of your lips, I missed playing with your beautiful hair, I missed your warm hugs, I missed your unique crooked fingers, I missed your smile, I missed just everything about you. I can't believe I am seeing you now. You can't imagine how much I suffered without you, I was in such a depressive mood just because of you. I can't believe it all happened because of Christina...but now the woman of my dreams is here with me again!" Dani kissed my forehead.

"Honey, I missed you too, so I can imagine how you felt. I never thought I could see you this early but fortunately, we have also good sisters in our family. Now, I am here and I will never let you go. Hey, we will stand against Christina and show her that our love is stronger than she thinks." I caressed her flawless face, full of attractive freckles. God, how much I missed just touching my girlfriend.

"C-Can I just kiss you, please? I can't help myself, I am craving for your kisses." Dani gave me puppy eyes. Before I could even say anything, I felt the familiar taste of her lips which drives me crazy everytime onto mine.

"I almost forgot how good this feels." I smiled between our kisses and pulled her closer to me.

"Laur, what if Christina finds us together again, I can't lose you forever!"

"Don't worry, all sisters are against her. We will take care of that, she will change her mind. And hold on...we already had some secret sessions before she could even notice that." I winked at her.

"Lo, tell me it isn't the truth." Dani became worried.

"What isn't the truth?" I asked her while holding her hands tightly.

"Tell me that it isn't true that you just want me because you wanna take advantage of me?"

"Who told you that, Christina?" She just nodded and I slapped my head. That beast really wants to ruin our beautiful relationship.

"No, of course not, Dan! Do you think I could do that with someone who I don't truly love? The most important thing is that we trust each other and we do have feelings for each other, don't we?"

"Really? Aren't you lying to me?" I lifted her chin and she got lost into my eyes.

"Listen Dan, you have no idea how hard it must have been for me. Seeing you every day, without knowing that... if you like me back or not. Seeing you every day and stopping myself from kissing or touching you. I have known you since your birth and I can't explain why, I always felt strong affection to you. It's something about you that just always attracts me so much. Now, if you're finally mine, I don't wanna waste any second of my life. I almost lost you one time and I can't lose you again. I love you and I want to live with you for the rest of my life, Danielle Nicole, do you understand me?"

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