Chapter 4: Exposed

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Christina's POV

"Nick, love, please go faster! We can't waste the time!" I said to my husband.

"But Chris, don't be impatient! It's not my fault that here are so many traffic jams!" 

"Okay, I got it. Wait, look, I think we are on the place!"

"Are you sure? How do you know that?"

"Well, yesterday I stole Lisa's phone, searched her history and screenshotted that hotel she ordered on that page. Look, it looks the same!" I showed the photo to Nick.

"You are so cunning!"

"I know right and so what! I am doing all of this just for my sisters good!"

"But Christina, I don't think that's good, to inhibit someone's love! Uh okay, do you want to go there with me?"

"No, I will rather go there just by myself. Stay here and wait on me! I will be back soon!"

I headed to the hotel and reached the reception.

"Uh hello, sorry for interrupting but...can you please tell me in which room are staying Danielle and Lauren Cimorelli?

"Of course madam, room 120, it's upstairs."

I thanked the receptionist and started rushing towards their room. These little brutes...they are gonna regret their love affair so bad!

Lauren's POV

"Ha you sluts, I finally got you!" We immediately pulled away to see our oldest sister Christina, standing next to our bed.

"What the hell, what are you doing here Christina?" Dani yelled at her.

"What I am doing here, well I should know what are you two doing here! Ah, so this is the truth, so my two younger sisters fell in love... you sinners! You should know that after this God hates you and I hate you two too! Love is just between man and woman. You made two sins, at first you fell in love with wrong gender plus with your own sibling, no way! This is called incest and for sure, I will not accept it! Put your freaking clothes on, we are leaving it here! And no physical contact, do you understand me?!" Christina became really angry.

"I told you that before. We shouldn't have done that. Now, we will be punished." I said to Dani.

"But it's not my fault that I have feelings for you. Why you have to be my sister, why?" Dani started crying.

"Honey, don't cry. Christina is crazy and she can't stop me from loving you endlessly. We will handle our relationship, I promise."

"But...seeing you everyday without even physical contact? I don't know how I will be supposed to live without that. Why it must be so bad for someone? Love is love, I can't get Christina's behavior!"

"I know, she is so coldhearted, she wanna ruin everything good!"

"I heard that! Okay...and it's enough! Nick, take Dani with you and I am gonna take Lauren with me! This needs to stop!"

"No Christina, you can't do this to us!" Nick wrapped his strong arms around my waist and put me into his car. I tried to lean in one last time, to touch Dani's hand but Nick didn't let me. 

Plane flight...

I can't believe Dani is not with me anymore. She just flippin left me with my cruel sister Christina. I just hope I will see her healthy and happy at home. Dani, I miss you, I need you and I love you. I told to myself and fell asleep while plane was quietly flying through mass of clouds.

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