Chapter 11: Messed up

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Dani's POV

It's already one year since Lauren gave birth to two beautiful human beings, Angelo and Nina. Surprisingly, Jamie put his mind together and sometimes, he also helps with taking care of twins. I don't know why, everytime he is around Lauren, I just feel jealous. I couldn't bear if she cheated on me with him again. But I am sure that won't happen, Lauren and I have a strong bond with each other and we never stopped loving each other. At the moment, me and Lauren are walking around the Nashville streets and enjoying each other.

"Ah look, Dan, how beautiful is this day, sun is shining brightly, birds are happily singing, it's pleasantly warm, what can be better? I live for days like this!" 

"But for me, you are more beautiful than some weather and I live for days which ones I spend with you!" 

"Wait, did you hear that? I think, I just caught the camera sound." We turned around to see annoying paparazzi there.

"Lauren! Dani! Look and smile to the camera?" They kept repeating.

Lauren's POV

"Get the freak out of here! Can't you just leave us alone and let us breathe like a normal people? I am tired of this!" Dani attacked one of them.

"Babe, stop, control yourself!" I tried to stop her but she ended up fighting with paparazzi on the ground. 

"Someone call the police! This crazy woman is trying to hurt me! Let me be, I am just doing my job!" I quickly grabbed Dani's arm and we escaped before it could be late. We got into our car and started arguing.

"Spice, you turned into real a spice now! I know they are annoying but you need to control yourself! You can't hurt people just because they wanna take photos of us!"

"They are really getting on my nerves! Our lives are not a business for some unknown people! Now, we will be on the first page of newspapers, did you want that?"

"But Dan, it's just a newspapers, who cares about it?!" I tried to calm her down.

"Now, even you are on their side? Shut up Lauren, let me be!" Dani started driving and I knew this won't end well.

"Dani, watch out!" Accidentally, we bumped into someone's car.

"Oh shit." We immediately got out of the car to see one man laying rigidly on the steering. Broken glass and blood were everywhere. I came closer and my heart sank when I saw him. It was Jamie. No he can't be dead. I know he hurt me in past but he was changing into a better man. I got him out of the car before it started burning. I kneeled down and checked his pulse. I could feel nothing.

"No, stay with me. I need you, Jamie. Dani, look what you just did!" I yelled at her and started crying. Soon, the police, firemen and ambulance came. Doctor just confirmed his death. I couldn't believe the father of my kids was dead. It was a really huge crash, Dani was that nervous that she couldn't pay attention to anything. It's a miracle that we got out of the car accident without any harm. I guess that guardian angels stood upon us. I can't believe we are still alive.

"Police here! Who was the one driving this car?" I pointed at Dani and she covered her face.

"You are accused from killing a human." The cop put handcuffs on her hands and got her into a police car.

"Wait on me! No, Dani!"

"I will be okay, Lo. Don't worry, I deserved this!" 

In a court...

"I am scared Lauren. I didn't mean to kill him on purpose, I was just so angry. Now, I am gonna be punished so bad."

"Don't think like that, everything will be okay."

"Danielle Nicole Cimorelli?! It's time for the judgement, now you are going to know your punishement. I!" The judge ended the speech.

"He can't be serious? Lauren, please tell me that it's just a nightmare! I don't wanna spend my life in jail! It's not fair!" I just stood there speechless, watching how the cops took my life away. Dani is gone forever.

Dani's POV

I tried to kick and fight them. I tried to escape. I tried to come back to the love of my life. Nothing helped. The strength of grilles and superiority of guardians were too much for me. Now, I am sitting in the small uncomfortable room and thinking about my life. I am such a wreck, I am nothing, just a killer now. I will suffer in the jail till I die. Life is so unfair. I laid my head on my heavy pillow and started looking at photos of Lauren. I started getting emotionally overwhelmed. How much I miss this girl? God, please, let me see her again. Lauren, I love you more than anything. I can't spend rest of my life without you...

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