Chapter 10: Twins

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Lauren's POV

Now, I got into the fifth month of pregnancy. I have been a part of a few medical check-ups and for today, doctor ordered me an appointment, to finally know the gender of my baby. Of course, the person who made it with me, didn't show an interest to come. And I really don't care about Jamie, I haven't seen him since he found out about that he will be a father and I couldn't be happier. At the moment, I am sitting in the waiting room and my girlfriend Dani is here with me. She never let me down.

"Miss Cimorelli? You are in! Please, come inside!" The nurse called on me.

"You ready for this, babe?" Dani smiled at me.

"Yeah, I am just nervous." 

"Don't be. There is nothing to worry about. I will be with you the whole time. C'mon, we can do this!" Dani softly squeezed my hand and just her presence calmed me down.

"Lauren, please, lay on this table, lift your shirt and don't move! Now, I am gonna put the gel on you and it will be maybe ticklish a bit but you just can't move, do you understand me?" The doctor turned the monitor on and put the probe on my big belly.

"Aw, Lauren, look. I can see something here!" Dani started squealing. Please, God, tell me that my child is okay.

"Well, miss Lauren I must announce you something..." Doctor made a sad face.

"Something bad?" Dani asked with worried tone of her voice.

"I must announce you that you are expecting healthy twins!" Doctor made fun of us.

"God, Dr. Quick, you scared us to death!" I exhaled heavily.

"I am sorry ladies, I just wanted to surprise you! Congratulations Lauren, you have one girl and one boy inside your belly!" Dr. Quick smiled widely.

"Did you hear that, healthy twins! Freaking twins! I am so proud of you baby!" Dani kissed my forehead.

"But you two can't have a child, right? So who is the lucky father?" 

"It's Jamie Olsen, the guy who wanted to hurt Lauren so bad! She deserved to have it with some nicer guy!" Dani became angry.

"I am sorry, Lauren." Dr. Quick shook his head.

"Yeah, it is okay. I will be okay."

Bowling party...

So, after I announced the gender of kids to my family, we all headed out to celebrate it. We stopped at the bowling centre.

"I haven't done this for years. I feel like a child again." I started laughing while I was putting my bowling shoes on.

"Lauren, be careful. You can't carry very heavy things, you could harm your fetuses. Take this one, it's the lighest ball." Dani warned me.

"Oh shoot, she just took down a peg!" Lisa started clapping.

"Who said that pregnant ones are restricted!" I giggled.

"Lauren, you just beat me, it's not fair!" Nick became upset. 

"C'mon, Nick, bro, cheer up!" Dani put the ball under her shirt and started dancing.

"So, now we have two pregnant ones?" Amy couldn't stop laughing and me either.

"You little clown!" I slapped Dani's arm.

"Just yours baby! I love to see you happy like this!" 

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