Chapter 8: Unexpected

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Next month..

Lauren's POV

I woke up, just to feel the uncomfortable stomach ache again. I rushed to the bathroom and started puking. Why is this happening over and over again? Then the realization hit me, I had an intercourse with Jamie. I was really drunk, I didn't know what I was doing. I think we forgot to use protection. No, no...I can't be pregnant. 

"Ladybug? What happened? Are you okay?" Lisa came to help me.

"Yeah, I just threw up a little. I will be okay."

"No Lauren, what happened, you need to tell me the truth! Dani told me that you did that with Jamie. Is it true?"

"Yeah but I was drunk, I didn't really want it." I looked down on floor.

"Oh crap, did you two even use protection? It's suspicious why are you puking so much this time."

"Lise, just don't tell me that I am pregnant?!"

"Well, it looks like that, here take this!" Lisa handed me a pregnancy test. I wasn't this nervous in my entire life. 

"I am done, can you please look at the result instead of me?"

"Lauren, you are pregnant!" No this can't be happening. I don't want a child right now, well I wanna become a mother someday but now, it's just too early. How Am I supposed to combine care of the kid with my singing career? Plus I wanted to have it with the right person...with Dani. I wanted to adopt someone and raise it with her. This is all so wrong, okay, I did have a crush on Jamie but my feelings for him were never as big as for Dani. How will she react when she finds this out, she will probably have a heart attack. I need to stop this, I must go to abortion. I am sorry for that little one but I just must do it before it could be too late.

"Lise, I think I must go now."

"Where are you going?"

"To abortion. Nobody can stop me from doing this!"

Dani's POV

It is a month since Lauren and I broke up. The wound on my heart will probably never heal but I just can't move on from her. I miss everything about her, I see her every night in my dreams. It hurts seeing her every day and knowing that we aren't a thing anymore. Well, I wanted it like this.

"Dani, Lauren went crazy! You must save her! Only you can convince her!" Lisa barged into my room.

"Can't you just knock on the freaking door? Why exactly me? What happened?"

"Lauren is pregnant but she is on her way to abortion. She wants to kill that innocent one!" Lisa started crying. What the flip, my baby is pregnant. It's all because of Christina. She wanted to tear us apart, so Lauren just cheated on me. Knowing that hit me really hard.

At the doctors...

Lauren's POV

"Mrs. Cimorelli, are you sure you wanna do this? You are still young, here are a lot of risks!"

"I don't care, Dr. Quick, I will rather die than live with the fact I made a child with a person who I don't love! I was so irresponsible, I hate myself!" The doctor was about to prepare anesthesia for me when someone knocked on the door.

"Here is operating room! No entry except for patients!" Dr. Quick opened the door and I saw Dani standing there. The only true love of my life.

"Doctor, please, let me in, I am her girlfriend! Lauren, you can't do this, do you hear me?! You can't hurt yourself and that little one! Listen, I wanna raise it with you, no matter with who are you expecting it!" She ran into my arms and kissed me straight onto my lips. 

"Lauren do you hear me? Stop this before it could be too late! I want you to be alive! I need you in my life! You can't kill yourself, if you do that, I will do the same. Please, love, where went your wisdom!"

"Doctor, can you please cancel the abortion! I am done with it!"

"Sure, Lauren, brave move! Proud of you and your right decision!" I got out of operating table, dressed up and left the hospital with Dani.

"Babe, you went crazy again!"

"Yep, sorry for that, Dan. But I can't believe that you just saved me from death. Nothing cared about me so much as you. I was so stupid for cheating on you, you know I just couldn't deal with the hate from Christina and our fans."

"Fuck all the hate! All I care about is you. Lauren, you are my reason for living on this world. Of course, I want to raise this little creature inside you. I wanna spend my whole life with you. I am so crazy in love with you, please just don't hurt me again."

"I promise, I love you Dan. I am so thankful for that you didn't forget about me and we are a couple again. But how will I tell about my pregnancy to Jamie and our family?" 

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