Chapter 6: Haters ruined everything

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Christina's POV

Well, for today, I arranged one very romantic song and of course, I wittingly made one scene for Dani and Lauren. It's nothing bad you know, just a simple hug. But I am curious if that hug won't turn into something more heated? Then finally the whole world will know that... my sisters are sinners, thanks to me! My plan must work!

"Hey guys, ready to shoot? Boon, get on your place and start recording!" I was being a cheeky, strict one who I always am.

"Okay, these scenes already look amazing! Now, it's time for "Dauren" scene. Dani and Lauren, I dare you to hug each other!"

Lauren's POV

So Christina just told us she wanna shoot some interesting video but I already don't have good feeling about that. I can feel that she is planning something on me and Dani, again.

"Dani and Lauren, I dare you to hug each other!" I shivered when she said that. Why would she want to include it into our own youtube video?

"Dani, I am scared. I think after this, we will be trapped."

"What you do mean, babe?"

"Well, our fans will freak out after this. If they find out that we are dating, they will hate us. I can't lose my fans, all because of dumb Christina's activities."

"C'mon Laur, it's just a hug. Nobody will know nothing, don't worry." Dani calmed me down.

"I won't wait forever, get on the scene, wasn't it said loud enough?"

"Sorry, Chris. We are here and ready now." Dani answered her with fear.

"Okay, get ready and action! I wanna see a big hug!"

I started hugging Dani and my stomach immediately turned into a place full of butterflies. Only this girl can make me feel like that. I could feel sparks throughout my whole body. I could stay with her like that forever. Wait, I can't do this, we will get caught. I quickly came back to my senses and got out of my lover.

"That was too short! Again!" Christina smirked.

"This won't end good." I whispered into Dani's ear.

Next day...

Me and Dani were watching the video we recorded yesterday and luckily that hug wasn't very obvious to get caught by our fans. But then we stopped at bloopers...

"I can't believe what my eyes just saw. Did you see the same as me?" Dani asked me with confusion.

"I can't believe it either. How could she dare to include me grabbing your butt into the viral video? I bet it was Christina. Now, we are really trapped."

"Lauren, look!" Dani showed me her Twitter.

"These are some really bad news, Dan. What are we gonna do now?" I also opened my Twitter and saw a lot of hate comments about the video.

--- Jesus Christ! Did you really grab her ass? Aren't you two sisters? How can you date then? ---

--- I am dissapointed of you Lauren, I thought you are really nice girl but now, you just lost one of your fans... ---

--- What the heck I just saw? So you are a lesbian now, I wanna throw up! ---

--- You hot one, you could fuck with so many men and you chose your own sister from all? ---

These were just few of awful comments I got. It hurt my heart a lot. It's not my fault that I love Dani but I can't handle this anymore. I can't handle being hated by Christina and my own fans. I think that I need to come back to my old crush, Jamie and forget about Dani. I will never love anyone so much as her but I need to start again.

"Babe? I think I need to go on a walk just by myself, you know to clear my head from all of those comments." Dani nodded and I left her. I went outside, put my headphones on and started running. I opened Jamie's profile and texted him.

Laur: Hey, I just need you. Uh can we meet again? Are we still all good?😳

Jamie: Of course, Lauren. What happened, are you okay?😱

Laur: Don't ask why, I guess... I still love you.😩❤

Jamie: You know I still do too. I have missed you bb.😍👑

I opened another message from him, it was a celebration GIF, I couldn't help but started laughing. I must tweet about this.

Dani's POV

Lauren is on the walk for too long now. I am starting to worry about her. I need to find her.

Right when I was about to go outside, my phone beeped. It was a notification from Lauren. That one really hit my heart. There was written:

@ LaurenCimorelli : You know it's real when he sends you memes...😉❤

What the fuck does this mean? What HE? She must have made a mistake, it should have been she, after all, I am the one with who is she dating, or not? Please Lord, don't tell me it's true... is she freaking cheating on me???

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