afraid to leave you on your own

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Chapter 7

It turned out that her audition wasn't the next day.

Millie relaxed a little, though she still had the thought in the back of her head that it was this week. And she didn't know exactly when.

Finn was happy of course when she told him that producers invited her for the audition. If she had to be honest, she was really happy either, but still... She didn't want to get her hopes up. It was Ian Davis after all, Oscar-winning director and producer. She should be grateful she was even invited for the first audition.

Now, one day after she found out about it, all she could do was waiting patiently for a call from Kathy.  

She was sitting criss-crossed on the bed, while Finn was laying on his side, propping on his elbow. Soon, he was about to leave to the studio and she was supposed to meet with a PR specialist and then maybe start packing for her trip to Los Angeles. For now they were using this little time to talk, knowing that they will be separated for a couple of days as she wasn't the only one who was leaving to another town. Calpurnia had a flight to Vancouver tomorrow in order to shoot a music video for their first single so they could start promotion of their third album.

'I wish you could go with me, you know? My mom misses you.' he said.

'I miss her, too. And all your family.' she smiled a little.

'Maybe your audition is next week and you could go with me to Vancouver.' he grinned, trying to cheer her up, but she only shrugged.

'I don't know what is taking them so long.' she sighed.

She didn't like auditions. And now it was even worse, she didn't even know if this audition will be tomorrow or day after tomorrow or God-knows-when. This uncertainty wasn't good for her, it was making her more nervous with each passing hour as she tried not to look at her phone all the time.

He noticed that she fiddled nervously with her fingers.

'Come here.' he said as he reached for her, pulling her closer.

She laid down beside him, wrapping her arm across his chest, feeling his fingers drawing patterns on her hip.

'There is this new sushi place, only three blocks away, you know?' he asked. 'I'll come back today earlier from work and we'll go check it out, what do you say?'

She propped her chin on his chest and looked up at him, reaching to brush his curls from his forehead.

'You know I'll never say "no" to sushi.' she smiled at him and laid her head back on his chest, hugging him.

They stayed like that for a while. It made her realize she wasn't that nervous anymore. His reasurring voice, his even breathing, his chest rising and falling against her face and holding each other tight was enough to make her feel better before they had to get up and deal with anything this day has to offer.

She felt his lips on the top of her head.

'I've always loved it, you know?' she said with a smile, her eyes closed with contentment.

'Sushi?' he asked playfully, nuzzling her hair.

She giggled.

'Your hugs.' she explained. 'You give the best hugs, I swear.'

'I'm glad I can help.' he said, pulling her even closer to him. 'Umm... You're still worried about that audition, huh?'

'Yeah.' she admitted.

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