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Danielle -July 2018

It's been a while since I found out that Trayce had lied to me. I'm not mad, I'm just hurt. Why would he keep something so simple from me? Was there anything else he was hiding?

I got out of my car, and walked up to his front door and rang his doorbell. It's been tearing me up inside. I need to talk this out.

He opened the door, and smiled when he realized it was me.

"Hey baby!" He said as he gave me a hug and kissed my cheek. "I didn't know you were coming over."

"I like to keep you guessing." I chuckled lightly and stepped inside.

"Can I get you anything? Water? Food? Are you hungry?"

"No, thank you. I'm good." I answered lightly as I leaned against the kitchen counter.

"Okay..." He said as he looked at me as I fiddled with my ring. "Is everything okay?"

I looked up at him. "Can I talk to you real quick?"

"Sure! What's on your mind?"

"Well, this has been on my mind for a while, and I just need to get some stuff off my chest."

He nodded.


"Did you really go to the doctor for your back? Because the other day, I was talking to Dave, and he said that you haven't gotten it checked out... he said that it's gotten worse."

"I was gonna tell you, but—"

"But what?"

"In my opinion, I think I'm fine. It's probably just a strain."

"Probably? Trayce, when I saw you at that mini camp on Tuesday, you were almost doubled over in pain. I see you in pain, and I hate it. Why are you so stubborn? Just go get it checked out."

"Stubborn? Why do you say that?" He shifted his stance and crossed his arms.

"Every time I try to talk to you about it, you get super defensive about it."

"Defensive? I am not defensive! Like I said, I know what it is, and I know that it's just a sprain."

"Oh, okay, Dr. Thompson. How do you know it's a sprain?"

"I just know! I know that it's just a sprain, for sure. I don't know why you're making such a big deal out of nothing."

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