1-You're crazy!

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Uhm so yeah, look what I gave you all another chapter hope you liked the first one!


                MICAHS P.O.V

 "Oh My God, what do you want?!". I said dramatically , glaring at Letter men. He kicked at the book beside me, "I just wanted to talk to you geez". He said using his foot to flip through the pages.  I wasn't much smaller than him I could so take him. I wasn't scrawny.

                     "Well talk then". I said, glaring at Jared who was hiding in the locker behind me. He poked my back and I hissed. "Damn you!". I whispered harshly "Well damn, my bad". Letter men said, holding his hands up.

       "Wait no not yo- Yes you! and Jared get the hell out of my locker!". I opened it and he fell to the floor gasping. "Land! Land!". He breathed rubbing himself on the carpet. I gave him a disgusted look, and he stood up.  "Why'd you do that!?".  He asked, crossing his arms.

        He sighed and turned to Lettermen "Look, Lettermen, I know you like me it's cool and I know you want my number but.. i'm just not gay if you want to give me head that's cool". Jared said, placing a hand on his heart and nodding.

        Lettermen stared at him with a raised eyebrow "Firstly my name is Larson, second I don't want you, I want this fool". He said, I scoffed "Loof!". I blurted back I was no fool. Besides I wasn't even looking for a relationship, let alone with my exes brother.

              " I'm not gay either". I said, crossing my arms. Jared scoffed "Yeah right, I saw that dildo in your dra-". I gasped, and smacked my hand over his mouth. "What the hell!?". I growled, he shrugged and slobbered on my hand. "That's what you get for not letting me play Disney Infinity yesterday, and making me leave without dinner!". He yelled.

               I pinched his ear, and he shrieked ,turning a deep shade of red. "You butthole! you know that makes me feel some type of way". He said, closing the locker. "Oh yeah, i'll make you feel some type of way". I say picking the book up and walking towards him.

               "Teacher! Teacher help! he wants to hurt me!". Jared yelled, running down the hall. I chased after him, thanking God I didn't have to talk to Lettermen anymore.

 "You owe me". Jared said, crossing his arms. "Yeah, I should also kill you". I said, pointing a finger at him. "But you won't cause you love me".  He started making kissing faces at me, and pecked my cheek.

                This was not how I planned my study hall.


       "Ew are you seriously gonna join the wrestling team?". Jared ask, putting a hand over his heart "Uhm, yeah maybe". I said, writing down the notes on the board "But you get sweaty! and oh, you get to fondle other boys balls! I see what you're doing". He yelled clapping his hands.

             The class went silent, and stared at us. "Don't look at me, I'm straight". Jared said, scooting away from me, I put my head in my hands, and let out  a long sigh. "Invite him over Mickey, it'll be fuuun". I mumbled , repeating my moms words. Jared had just moved in, and my mom insisted I made friends with him, I was against it cause he talked to himself, and liked the smell of Home Depot.

                  Seven years later, and he's sitting right beside me sniffing my armpit. "You smell so good". He groaned, taking another whiff "Dude, I am so going to fart if you don't move away from me!". I spat, grabbing my pencil.

     "I bet those smell good too". He whispered in my ear, wiggling his eye brow "Okay! time to switch seats". I announced, scooting over to another chair. He just followed "You can't get away from me, I love you". He said, making his lip tremble, God I hated when he did that.

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