c h a p t e r 1

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The curly brown haired ravenclaw tears his eyes away from the devoted couple in front of him with a sneer. He looks down at his plate filled with bacon and eggs and his stomach does a flip. "I think I've just lost my appetite." Sherlock mumbles to the dirty blonde haired gryffindor by his side. John stuffs egg after egg into his mouth, and groans in disgust when his eyes connect with the same sight.

"Ugh." He comments through mouthfuls of food. "I think that made me lose my appetite as well." John dramatically drops his knife and fork onto the plate with a clatter.

The duo stare at the couple intently, noticing the way the girl swirls her dark hair around her finger seductively, and the boy smirks in reply. They both groan in disgust at the same time.

"Irene&James. James&Irene. Who would've thought?" John mumbles, taking his eyes off of the new couple of the school to save the last of his brain cells. Instead he focuses his attention back on the glorious array of breakfast food in front of him, and begins to stuff his face once again to satisfy his rumbling stomach.

"Certainly not me." Sherlock mumbles, tearing his eyes away from the slytherin table before he can let himself feel anything more that disgust at the situation. He tells himself over and over not to be jealous. Don't be jealous. Don't be jealous. I'm not jealous. So far, surprisingly, it seems to be working.

James and Irene apparently started dating over the summer. As soon as the news hit Kitty Riley's ears, everyone in Hogwarts including the teachers seemed to know about it in the span of ten minutes. Sherlock wouldn't be surprised if the whole wizarding community knew with the way Kitty spreads gossip like wildfire.

"What are you two moping about?" A new voice sniggers from in front of the duo, catching their attention. There stands Gregory Lestrade, captain of the Gryffindor Quidditch team, keeper, and future auror, or so he keeps announcing. He sits down with a curious smile, grabbing a piece of plain toast and biting into the steaming bread.

"Nothing. We're just observing the beautiful new couple." Sherlock spits sarcastically, ignoring the knowing glance from Greg.

"Oh yeah I heard about that. What a travesty. I mean, I thought Irene stooped low to date you, but Moriarty?" Greg jokes, dodging out of the way from Sherlocks oncoming slap to the arm. Greg only laughs at the feeble attempt.

Irene and Sherlock dated during their fifth year, but Irene ended things between them before the summer. Now returning to Hogwarts for their sixth year, and hearing that Irene is dating Moriarty, well let's just say Sherlock was surprised.

"She moved on quick." John comments, small pieces of fried egg flying out of his mouth. Greg groans in disgust.

"Keep your mouth shut Watson. Eat before you speak! Did your mother never teach you that?" Greg complains, wiping remnants of John's egg off of his jumper. John makes a stupid face at him. "Don't treat your captain that way. I'll kick you off of the team!"

"I'm the best seeker you've ever had Lestrade, you wouldn't dare!"

"He's right, you wouldn't." Sherlock agrees. John Watson is an excellent Quidditch player, helping Gryffindor win the last two cups. He's gifted, could even take it up professionally, but John's heart is set on being a doctor. "When is the next game?"

"In two weeks, so we've got a lot of training to do. I want to get that cup for a third time in a row. Think of little old Sebastian Moran's face when he realises we beat him a third time!" Greg sniggers, gulping down a cup of pumpkin juice in one. John and Sherlock join in.

"What are you all laughing about?" A voice asks curtly, and Lestrade shivers in anticipation. The trio turn to see Mycroft Holmes, Slytherin prefect, standing beside his brother with a nonchalant expression on his face.

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