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The cold wind whips at the students faces as they cheer for their favourite Quidditch team. Gryffindor vs Slytherin: a game everyone has been talking about for weeks on end. A cheer erupts from the Gryffindor stands as Lestrade perfectly captures the quaffle before it can fly through the middle hoop.

Molly and Sherlock clap and cheer enthusiastically. Although the cold numbing their faces and fingers, they couldn't care less as Gryffindor are up by 100 points. Greg bats the quaffle into Mike Stanford's hands, a Gryffindor chaser. The crowd cheers again when Mike successfully swerves away from one of Sebastians advances.

"Mike is doing so well this game!" Molly beams, clapping her hands until they turn red. Sherlock hums in agreement, smiling sweetly at Molly's enthusiasm. Molly is always an entertaining person to stand with during a Quidditch game. She shouts and boos and claps and cheers and even does a victory dance at the end if her favourite team win. Sherlock always laughs when that happens, as her arms and legs wobble like a jellyfish! Molly looks back at Sherlock, her clapping pausing as she notices Sherlocks admiring smile directed at her. She blushes and a small smile rises to her lips.

Mike passes the quaffle to another Gryffindor chaser. The crowd becomes tense when the chaser flies closer towards the Slytherin hoops. "GO GO GRYFFINDOR! GO GO GRYFFINDOR!" Molly shouts repeatedly. The rest of the Gryffindor stand join in, chanting the chaser on. The chaser does a barrel roll, avoiding a Slytherin chasers attempt to snatch the quaffle. Sebastian flies closely behind, but before he can successfully grab the quaffle, the Gryffindor chaser throws the quaffle...

And scores!

The Gryffindor stands erupt into cheer. Molly bounces with excitement, lifting her arms into the air. A Gryffindor standing next to her stares at her in confusion: she is wearing her Hufflepuff uniform after all. "That's another 10 points to Gryffindor!" The speakers announce.

"This is so cool! Gryffindor are totally going to win!" Molly cheers, bouncing up and down with her hands on the ravenclaws shoulders.

"You're very excited Molly!" Sherlock states, a small laugh bubbling in his chest at his friends behaviour.

"Well of course I am! Aren't you?" Molly shouts over the cheering crowd.

"There's still a chance Slytherin could win. All they have to do is catch the snitch."

"You're such a pessimist! Have a little faith in John."

As soon as John's name leaves the hufflepuffs mouth, John flies over their stand as fast a lightening, with Mary close on his tail. Sherlock and Molly follow John's whereabouts, barely being able to see where the snitch is. They duck under the stands and out of sight. Sherlock and Molly look at each other with huge smiles.

Suddenly their stand starts to boo. The duo turn their attention back to the game and notice Mike Stanford spinning out of control on his broom. Molly gasps. "What happened?" She asks the Gryffindor standing next to her.

"Sebastian Moran kicked him and nearly knocked him off his broom!" The first year replies and Molly huffs in anger.

"What a prick! He can never play a clean game can he? BOO!" Molly shouts, her facial expression one of seething anger. Sherlock can't help but giggle at her overreaction to the game, but the laugh soon dies down when her eyes turn on him angrily.

As the duo have fun watching the game, Mycroft Holmes sits on the bench of a Slytherin stand in complete boredom. His head rests in his hand, and he slouches in boredom, barely able to keep an eye out for Mary as she moves so fast.

Mycroft has no idea why he agreed to watch. He could be in the library right now, studying for his final year, but no, he's sat at a Slytherin stand watching Mary Morstan fly around on a broomstick trying to catch a small golden ball. Such entertainment. The Slytherin stand haven't been cheering that much, as they have been losing, so that's been a slight relief to the older Holmes. He wouldn't be able to handle constant screaming and shouting in his ear.

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