c h a p t e r 6

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The warm sun shines brightly through the grey clouds, shooting it's rays down onto the empty Quidditch pitch, where the Gryffindor team are practicing for their upcoming game against Slytherin.

A soft breeze brushes against Sherlocks cheeks, as he stares in boredom at the team below him, his head resting on his hand. Molly sits next to him quietly, a small blush on her face as she finally has some alone time with her crush.

"So Sherlock..." Molly begins shakily, her hands fiddling with the frayed ends of her yellow and grey scarf. "I heard about what happened to Carl." Molly settles on that topic, too afraid to ask him out to the three broomsticks. She curses in her head, hating how nervous she is around him. Sherlock pays no mind to the internal battle Molly is having with herself, and instead sighs aloud with worry.

"Yeah. I went to see him a few nights ago." Sherlock replies nonchalantly, staring at John doing some fancy tricks on his broom. At one point he's standing on it likes he's surfing against some waves. The Gryffindor team laughs.

"You did?"

"Yeah I snuck out at night to go and see him. Madam Hudson caught me though." Molly gasps.

"Oh no, are you in trouble?" Sherlock waves his hand dismissively.

"No, she's used to it by now. She made me promise that I won't go looking into it."

"And will you?" She asks skeptically, scooting towards the ravenclaw slightly.

Sherlock stays silent for a few seconds. Will he go looking into it? Of course he will, but by the way madam Hudson was kind of begging him not to, Sherlock wonders what madam Hudson could be so scared of.

"Of course."

"Sherlock! You promised!" Molly hisses, wrapping her scarf even tighter around her neck.

"I'll be on my guard, don't worry." Sherlock dismisses Molly's worried behaviour, looking back at the Gryffindor team working on their formations. He doesn't notice the small worried frown pressed onto Molly's lips, as she stares at the side of the ravenclaws cold blushed face.

"I can't help it." Molly mutters to herself, moving her attention back to the Quidditch practice as well.

The pair watch John and Greg perfect their skills and moves, with John catching the snitch multiple times, and Greg not letting a single quaffle through the hoops. Sherlock admires their teamwork and how well they work together. They're almost like cogs in the same engine, working hard to get the cup at the end.

"Do you think they'll win the match? I mean, Mary and Sebastian are really good." Molly asks, staring in awe at Johns flying skills. Sherlock grins widely, staring at his best friends high giving each other on their brooms.

"I think they'll do fantastic."


Later that day, the four of them sit at the end of the Gryffindor table, stuffing their faces with pastries and pies during dinner. The great hall if filled with chatter and laughter, drowning out the disgusting sounds of John and Greg inhaling their food like food is their source of oxygen. Sherlock slows down after one pie, losing his appetite after seeing bits of crust fly out of John's open mouth.

"I've never been so hungry in my life." John comments, his mouth full of food. Sherlock pulls a face of disgust. This is the one reason Sherlock hates sitting opposite him - he can see everything he's about to digest.

Greg smacks his on the side of his head. John groans in complaint. "How many times do I have to tell you to eat with your mouth closed?" Greg whines, his mouth also full of food.

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