c h a p t e r 8

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Laughter echoes through the soft winter breeze as students run off around Hogsmeade. Small legs lead them into Honeydukes sweet shop, where the most extravagant sweets and chocolates could be found in the whole of the wizarding world, well, according to John Hamish Watson.

John slams his palms and face against the glass window of the sweet shop, staring in awe at the stacks and piles of delicious sweets. His mouth salivates at the sight, imagining the sweet, sugary burst of strawberry flavoured lollipops. Molly joins him against the glass, sharing John's passion for the sugary goodness.

"Wow! It looks like they've restocked on lollipops!" John squeals, peaking himself away from the window, and skipping inside the entrance. Molly follows suit, accidently bumping into a Slytherin student on the way in. The Slytherin scoffs and complains. Molly blushes and stares at the floor as she walks quickly away from the awkward situation and towards her friend.

Sherlock and Greg are left standing outside, not bothered by the sweet shop. The ravenclaw wraps his scarf tightly around his neck, blocking the icy breeze from chilling his spine. Greg groans at the cold.

"It's bloody freezing." Greg complains, rubbing his hands down his arms and shivering on the spot. Sherlock rolls his eyes.

"Well then you should've brought your scarf with you."

"Oh brilliant Sherlock! I'll tell that to myself two hours ago, in the past!" Greg snaps, huffing out a breath of warm air from his lungs. "I didn't think it was going to be this cold did I!" Greg mumbles, watching Molly and John carry a stack of sweets towards the shop counter.

"It is winter Greg in case you didn't notice." Sherlock replies sarcastically, looking around Hogsmeade with a sense of nonchalance. Sherlock has never really been a fan of Hogsmeade. All there really is is a sweet shop, a few pubs and the shrieking shack. He much prefers diagon alley! Greg ignores the boys comment with a cold glare, and huffs in frustration.

"Can we just go to Gladrags Wizardwear? I'm sure they can catch up." Greg comments impatiently, hopping from one leg onto another in order to keep some heat in his body.

"Yeah alright."

The duo head away from the sweet shop, leaving the sugar craving friends behind to satisfy their addiction. The clothes shop is only a few minutes away, which Greg sighs in relief at as his hands and feet are starting to become numb. When the entrance comes into view, Greg picks up the pace, seeking the head and warmth of the inside.

When inside the shop, Greg sighs in relief. Warmth rolls up his spine and spreads through his body, causing him to lean on the door of the shop in ecstasy. Sherlock glares at his friends actions in confusion, looking around the rather busy shop to see if anyone else has noticed his friend's rather absurd attitude.

"Get over yourself Greg. You look like you're having too much fun." Sherlock comments, causing Greg to open his eyes widely and blush furiously. A Hufflepuff girl walks towards the shop door, staring at Greg with a disgusted expression. Greg coughs awkwardly, leaning off of the entrance and opening the door for the girl politely. She storms out without so much as a thank you. "C'mon, let's find you a new uniform."

The duo enter further into the shop, and towards the Quidditch section. Greg has been in desperate need of a new uniform ever since it ripped all the way up the side of the leg whilst practising.

It only takes them a few minutes to find Greg's perfect replacement, and soon enough Greg is paying for it with the money his mum leant him. The Gryffindor takes the bag off of the counter and dread fills his body once again. He pauses. Sherlock looks at him in confusion.

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