c h a p t e r 2

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A few dozen students gather around the large stage for defence club - a club where you're actually allowed to dual each other. When the club became a thing, John, Greg and Sherlock jumped at the idea including the rest of the school. Since the club was in such high demand, certain people are allocated different days. For the trio, it's Wednesday, but that day is also for Mycroft, Irene, James and Sebastian. The trio try to stay as far away from them as possible, standing on the opposite side of the room.

Molly Hooper, the fourth edition to the small squad, walks up to the three boys with a small smile. Her hair is up in a bun with a homemade Hufflepuff pin to keep it all together: a pin she was very proud to make and she boasted about it for days on end. The boys just sat there listening and dealt with it.

"Hi guys!" She squeals enthusiastically, squeezing into the space beside Sherlock. It's a well known fact by everybody that Molly Hooper has a giant crush on the ravenclaw, except the ravenclaw himself of course.

"Where were you at breakfast? You missed one of Moriarty's tantrums again!" Greg asks with a low voice, not wanting to grab the Slytherin's attention, despite being all away across the room.

"Oh, I was in the library studying for our potions exam."

"Potions exam?" Greg asks nervously. "Since when was there a potions exam?" John just shrugs his shoulders.

"Don't you two listen? Professor Magnussen set it us last week! But don't worry, you still have a few days to study." Molly replies, flicking Greg on the arm.

The four wizards are cut off when Professor Magnussen and Professor Smallwood stand up onto the stage, their wands ready in their hands.

"Today we will be teaching you how to block." Professor Smallwood begins, catching the attention of every student in the room. "Professor Magnussen and I shall demonstrate." The two professors walk to the opposite sides of the stage, and enter their dueling positions. Greg and John snigger and Magnussen's position as it makes him look completely ridiculous, almost like he's a musketeer getting ready to fight. Molly slaps them on the arm. "Professor Magnussen if you would." Smallwood says, announcing to the other professor to strike a spell.

"Rictusempra" professor Magnussen announces, stepping forward and aiming his spell at the other professor. Smallwood looks at the spell head on, no fear in her eyes. She flicks her wand, and the spell is blocked. Simple.

"Now class, today you shall be moved into pairs and you will practice blocking with each other. Need I remind you that no spells should be used that can seriously harm your opponent. Only try to disarm, and block."

"When can we get on to using actually dangerous spells?" John whispers in annoyance into Sherlocks ear.

Sherlock shrugs his shoulders. "Probably never. I certainly wouldn't want to end up in hospital for a week."

"Yeah I guess you've got a point."

"Now when I call your name, please step onto the stage. Everyone will get a turn so don't worry about that. Now who'll go first, ah, John Watson." Professor Smallwood announces. All eyes turn to the Gryffindor seeker.

"Oh yeah!" John high fives Greg, and hops onto the stage with a huge grin on his face. He walks into the middle to await his opponent.

"And Mary Morstan. Come on up."

Mary Morstan, the Slytherin seeker. John and her have been up against each other plenty of times going head to head to catch the snitch. In the eyes of everyone else Mary appears to be the better seeker, but John can play dirty when he needs to. The pair certainly hold a vendetta against each other; always in constant competition. Mary also happens to be close friends with Mycroft Holmes.

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