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After Sherlock's outburst during defence club, rumours spread around quickly, with the thanks to kitty riley, that Sherlock still has feelings for Irene and is jealous of her relationship with James. Of course, as all school rumours are, it's complete bullshit. Although his trio of best friends fight to protect him from said rumours, there's always a comment that strikes him hard in the chest.

It's not because the rumours are true, they're anything but the truth, and it's not because it's hurting his reputation around the school. It's because his friends are starting to believe them. The three people who are supposed to be on his side always are questioning whether or not Sherlock is lying to them about his feelings towards Irene, and it's that that hurts him the most.

During dinner of the very same day, the trio decided to give Sherlock a friend intervention over chicken and chips at the Gryffindor table. They all ignored the stares and whispers that were obviously about them echoing through the great hall, and focused on one thing: Sherlocks well-being.

"We all saw how you acted during the duel. You obliterated her." Greg whispers, throwing a chunky chip into his mouth.

"Isn't that what you all told me to do?" Sherlock replies, staring at the trio of faces with a blank expression. He's about fed up with intervention already and it's barely lasted five minutes.

"Yes but not like that. You were up there acting like Moriarty!" John adds, stuffing chicken into his face. Sherlock rolls his eyes at the comparison.

"I never knew you could do non verbal spells. It's quite a talent you have there Sherlock." Molly decides to change the subject, smiling sweetly at Sherlock with a hint of rosiness in her cheeks.

"Neither did I. It just sort of happened." Sherlock mutters, picking at his food but not really feeling like eating it.

"See! This is what I'm talking about. Obviously you were feeling extremely powerful emotions towards Irene and you lost control. You can talk to us Sherlock. Tell us how you feel for once!" John asks desperately, halting in his eating and staring worriedly into Sherlocks eyes.

"It's not healthy to keep all of those emotions in mate." Greg adds, throwing another chip into his mouth.

Sherlock sighs and rubs his head with his hands, a small headache starting to bloom in the front of his skull. "I appreciate all of your concerns but there really isn't anything wrong. I just let her go. That's all. I finally let her go."

The table falls quiet as they stare at the sad, blue eyes belonging to Sherlock Holmes. He can't bare to look at any of them; he stares at the full plate of food like it's the most interesting work of art he's ever seen.

John sighs tiredly. "At least you're okay."

"Now we just need to stop these rumours somehow." Molly mutters, staring at Sherlock sadly.

"I don't care about the rumours. They can all think what they want, as long as you don't believe that I'm still hung up on her. I'm not. I'm really not. In fact, I still can't believe I even dated her in the first place."

"I know right. She's a Slytherin, what were you thinking?" John comments, with a hint of a smirk on his lips.

"It doesn't matter that she's Slytherin. What matters is why she broke up with me." Sherlock mumbles, and the trio look at him expectantly.

"You never did tell us what happened." Molly mutters quietly, waiting to see if Sherlock will finally explain.

"She called me a mudblood." Sherlock whispers, cringing as he repeats the derogatory remark. The trio gasp in shock.

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