chapter 4

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It was finally here the grand magic games last day. I was up in the balcony sitting with juvia and chloe. The rest of my team was at the bottom with the other guilds.
Juvia was slightly bandaged but otherwise ok.
"lucy I just wanted to wish you good luck." juvia said smiling as i hugged her.
"I Don't intend to lose" I said as chloe hugged my legs.
"you gotta keep your promise if fairytail wins you gotta let me join the guild" she said as I ruffled her hair.
"master your gonna get a new member today" I said as he nodded with a smile. Chloe climbed on juvia's lap.
I breathed a deep breath as i walked down to my team passing minerva on the way. Master allowed us to change up our outfits mine now consisted of a white button down tail shirt and purple leggings. Along with the other females in my team. The male members left theirs alone.
I had on timberland boots. My keys strapped to my waist. Team a and team b had to pick five members because raven tail got disqualified. Laxus being the show off he is beat up the whole team. Now team fairytail consisted of me,laxus, gajeel,erza and grey. Natsu had to sit this round out because he was impatient when it came to planning. Master let me fight because he wants to see what this whole one sided rivalry was.
"blondie you seem to be thinking" laxus said smirking as he ruffled my hair. I elbowed him as a reflex.
"good morning ladies and gentlemen, boys and girls, cats and caters" the pumkin shouted as the crowd went wild.
"today is the last day of the grandmagic games and boy have we developed some rivalries.
Gray and rufus, orga and laxus, sting and natsu, rogue and gajeel, kagura and erza. And I think the crowds favorite minerva orlando and lucy heartfilia." he said squealing as minerva smirked.
"any comments" he asked as all the other guilds looked at us.
"FAIRYTAIL IS GOING DOWN!!!!!!!!!!!" they all screamed as i giggled a little not because of their comment but laxus tickling me.
"oh yeah well this will be fun" erza, grey and gajeel said showing off their coolness. I punched laxus signalling i hate being tickled as everyone looked at us.
"master get your grandson" i said hiding behind gajeel who became like my brother over the past few months.
"laxus stop" master said enlarging his hand as he smacked laxus who didnt seem fazed.
"lucy watch you back" gajeel silently whispered to me as laxus gave me the evil eye. The other guilds sweat dropped.
'they ignored us like we're not even here' the all thought.
"go lulu" chloe and asuka shouted to me.
"go fairytail" the rest shouted right after but juvia looked specifically at me.
Team fairytail stuck up our hands doing a fairy symbol just as we were teleported. I looked at my team members who nodded. We all closed our eyes concentrating like mavis told us. I gotta make sure to fight hard seeing as they shockingly made me team captain.
Juvia pov
I looked at the screen to see all the teams split off into pairs or independent as fairytail stayed in one place.
"what are those brats doing their losing time teams have already started fighting" master yelled as master mavis climbed onto the balcony.
"let plan flittery fairies begin"  she shouted as gajeel and laxus smirked.
"that's or cue" gajeel said as everyone opened their eyes.
"captain what are your orders" laxus asked lucy.
"what they made her the captain" natsu asked shocked not a bad shock he was grinning.
"laxus thanks now everyone knows im the captain" lucy said as everyone looked at her.
"ah your welcome" he said as she glared at him.
"i hate you" she said as erza pulled out a sword.
"enough you two we need a plan of action and lucy you are the smartest so what is it" erza said as lucy got serious.
"the plan is flittery fairies anyone who gets in your way take them down we all have someone were going after ao make sure to save your magic if you think you will need help do the signal. We meet back up at this spot. Grey dont disappoint i kmow your jot going after the intended person so play it safe ok you gotta return to juvia" lucy said with a smirk.
"now isn't that right juvia" she said looking directly at the camera. I blushed as the crowd looked at me.
"ok we have loss enough time remember win or lose we are fighting for the past seven years" lucy said as everyone nodded running away as lucy sank down to the ground.
"what is she doing" someone in the crowd yelled as i smirked.
"minerva might as well forfeit" i said as the guild looked at me confused.
Lucy pov.
I stayed in my spot for what seemed like forever then i heard grey defeated rufus. standing up quietly i signed.
"seems like it is my turn to enter the fray." i said as i saw minerva with erza and kagura. Teleporting at the right moment as minerva was trying to go in her space bubble i punched her out. She held a look of shock as kagura got ready to attack.
"erza i got minerva you get kagura" i said as she nodded.
"avenge juvia" she told me. I nodded kicking minerva up into the air putting some distance between me and erza. When i located minerva she was standing cracking her knuckles. I smirked as i held my keys.
"finally this has been long awaited." she screamed looking evil. She rushes at me and punches me in the stomach catching me off guard. She punches me again.
"you know i hope to get a thrill out of this match" she said pushing my head int the dirt. She had sat on my arms so i couldnt hit back. To bad i stil had my legs. Using my legs i caged her throat pulling with force as she back flipped off of me. Grabbing my whip i flicked it yowards her as she countered it with her own.  We rushed forward abandoning our weapons as we kicked and punched each other creating a cloud bubble. We pulled away from each other as i heard laxus defeated orga and jura.
Minerva and me both had slight breathing changes. Before i stood up straight.
"I think it's time we really do get serious" I said as she nodded. Letting her power release as strong winds hit me. I let some but not all of my power out. Hers was purple while mine was a yellowish color.
"wow heartfilia for you to be a pampered princess you sure do pack a punch." minerva admitted.
"same to you now quick question before all hell is let loose... Why do you continue talking about my situation with my dad" i said as she smirked.
"we both have daddy issue's" she said rushing at me with a purple sphere. I met hers with my celestial burst. Their was a huge explosion she took advantage of the dust and kneed me in my stomach.  I flew into the air. Her not far behind she tried to punch me as i dodged kicking her we got higher into the air punching and kicking as a robot followed us.
"why do you even stay at that guild it has a bunch of losers" she said as I rolled my eyes.
"those losers are the best family I have ever had." I responded as she laughed menicingly.
"yeah didnt gajeel that block head beat you within an inch of your life how can you claim some one like that as your family" she said as i snarled at her.
"gajeel has repented for his sins against fairytail he has worked hard day in and day out proving he is a worthy fairytail member" i said as she punched me.
" yeah then what about laxus he pinned your so called family against one another" she yelled as i requiped into leo's star dress my stomach rising with each breath.
"you know whats funny" minerva said as i looked at her confused.
"everyone in sahertooth when we were younger had a superhero or someone we looked up to as kids sting had natsu. Rogue had gajeel. Rufus had grey. Orga adored laxus and me well I wanted to be just as strong as a certain celestial mage with the same problems as me" she said as i looked at her confused.
"why me? Why not erza or natsu or some one stronger" i asked as she laughed.
"it was never about strength you ran away from home because your dad had basically abandoned you my dad always said i was never strong enough" minerva said the tsked.
"you always had a smile on you plenty of people tortured you yet you always had a smile. When i foumd out you disappeared i had no one to look forward to in sorcier weekly I listened to my dad. I allowed him to smack and kick me for every tear i shed then here you are acting as though your dad never hurt you forced you to be something you are not. Them fairytail mages dont give a damn about you." she yelled as my fist came into contact with her face knocking her from the sky.
"shut the hell up" i screamed plunging after her tears gliding down my face. We landed on the ground as i summoned my spirits.
"you beat juvia to a bloody freaking pulp on your own, you allowed your dad to look down at you, you allowed all that stuff to happen not me your dad is a bastard for what he did to you I understand that but one thing you will not do is compare my dad to yours" i said as i slapped her.
"my father may have abandoned me but he made up for his sins. Every year for the past seven years he has done nothing but pray that im still alive. He wrote me letters, sent me birthday, Christmas and other holiday gifts. He regretted his actions deeply and i will not stand for you comparing him to someone like your father. You didmt have to stay around your father you could have left he only has as much power as you give him" i said back flipping as she went to punch me.
"you know you forgive people to easily now shut up and listen carefully. Erza forgot about you so did fairytail they abandoned you but i remember reading in sorciere weekly erza saying. 'we would never betray her like that you would have to kill us first' i guess acnologia killed them because they betrayed you." she said as she ran towards me. I changed into capricorns star dress. I met her as our fist connected
"you know another sad thing when i first read avout team natsu you were not included in the strongest team part. It was dragneel, scarlet, and fullbuster with the talking cat" she said as i tilted my head wondering why she brought that up.
"you helped them out more times than i can count. The ishagar incident virgo got a path opened for yall to escape, you helped grey with deliora, erza with the tower of heaven, you helped them with edolas giving them their magic, you helped during the fantasia incident with distroying the thunder palace it was all you" she said punching me for each attack she landed.
I cought her fist before she could punch me again.
"yes i may have helped then but the guild has put theur lifes on the line plenty of times for me" i said as she growled.
"you keep saying the guild this and the guild that if you were really family you would be able to list each member" she challenged as i laughed.
"wanna bet" i challenged.
Chloe pov.
"wanna bet" lulu said as i stood on the balcony confused most of the matches were finished. The only people left were fairytail, sting and minerva.
"guldarts" "neil" "montreal" "rey" "warren" "vijeeter" "alzack" "bisca" "cana" "erza" "laxus" "macao" "wakaba" "natsu" "grey" "lisanna" "wendy" "happy" "carla" "pantherlily" "gajeel" "mira" "elfman" "evergreen" "bixslow" "freed" "master" "levy" "jet" "droy" "neb" "max" "reedus" "romeo" "asuka" "porlyusica" "mystogen" "sierra" "laki" "Kinana" "yajima" "bob" "rob" "juvia" lets pretend she continued going listing 100 names. She changed into a cute ball gown ger fairytail mark glowing as she raised her hand doing the fairytail sign. We followed her lead.
"she is the light of fairytail" makarov yelled as the guild cheered.
"and lets not for get my little sister the newest member of the fairytail guild CHLOE" lucy yelled throwing the sphere as minerva fell to the ground twitching.
"lucy" i screamed smiling as she had won.
She smiled at the camera.
"I hear you loud and clear chloe loud and clear" she said as she requipped into her regular clothes. She waved good bye to her spirits the last to leave being aquarius who nodded.
Lucy walked over to minerva who seem to be thinking.
"why do you care so much for juvia" minerva whispered as lucy smiled.
"i dont know maybe it's her smile she is just so lovable. I do know one thing thought. Lyon or grey qhom ever wins her heart better treat her with respect or ill kill them before gajeel can speak" lucy promised as jyvia smiled at the screen.
"you do know lightning boy likes you right" minerva mumbled as  lucy laughed. Whispering something into minerva ear before lucy stood walking away.
"lets hang out some time" she said waving as minerva smiled.
"ill beat you next time" she shouted.
" i look forward to it" lucy said winking. She teleported to the meet up spot only to be tackled by a crying erza as gajeel laxus and grey stood behind her.
Lucy pov
"erza where is your dignity the mighty erza never shed a tear" i said patting her head.
"for my family i will" she said qs i let a tear fall down.
"hey would you two girly's stop crying look at the board their is still a saber to defeat." gajeel said as we nodded.
"that will be easy its one to five" laxus mumbled as i shook my head.
"sting has not used any magic while we all have been fighting running our magic up he has a slight advantage" i told them as they got serious.
"seperate ans conquer" grey asked aa i shook my head.
"nope here he comes" i said jumping back as he tried to punch me from above. Laxus, grey and gajeel all ran at him only for him to go after me again. I was getting tired of him so i kicked him where the sun dont shine leaving him cradling his possesions as grey, gajeel and laxus all held theirs as if they felt it.
"forfeit or me and my team mate will strip you of the one thing that boys prize the most" i said getting out my whip. He raised his hands.
"say it" erza barked out.
"i forfeit" sting said sweating bullets we were all transported back to the arena. As everyone cheered fairytail jumped down and raised me and erza on their shoulders. The pumpkin man tosses me the trophy.
"This victory is for you" I said as fairytail cheered. I loojed down to see chloe. Laxus let me down as fairytail spaced out so everyone could see.
"where do you want your mark" i asked her tucking a stray piece pf hair.
"right hand purple" she said her eyes getting watery. I placed the mark as she hugged me crying. I don't know why but i started rising into the air.
"Master this is not me" I said as he smiled.
"I know mrs light of fairytail just relax" he said as chloe let go smiling as she floated in the air. Suddenly a bright light surrounded me. When it died down my outfit had sparkles all around it.
"hey I actually liked this outfit" i complained as everyone laughed.
I jumped back down to the ground. Smiling as everyone cheered. I walked next to laxus. Who was smirking at the idiotic behavior of our guild.
"what did you whisper to minerva" he asked as i shrugged.
"the world may never know" i said as he smirked.
"we the world knows one side of the like" he said walking away as I froze in my place. He actually likes me?

How was that im bad at fighting scenes but there you go the rivalry of minerva and lucy but what was that bright light. Why did her insignia change colors? Does laxus like lucy? Find out in chapter 5 sorry fot any grammatical errors I did not check for errors im lazy

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