chapter 11

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I woke up to laxus looking at me in my sleep. I smiled snuggling into him.
"morning" I spoke as my phone went off. Grabbing it I leaned on laxus chest as i answered natsu's face time.
"Laxus meet at the guild in twenty i told everyone else sabertooth is getting a fire dragon grenade" he said looking pissed.
"Got it I take it lisanna spilled the location" laxus said as natsu smirked
"you already know" he said cockily. Laxus chuckled.
"lucy did to these punks are gonna learn today" laxus said as natsu nodded.
"natsu i wanna talk to lucy" lisanna's voice called. Natsu handed her the phone as laxus moved to get up i laid on the bed as lisanna looked at me.
"you look like you fought a monster" she said giggling.
"i was attacked by a dragon" i said giggling at the look of pride laxus sent me. He got dressed as i talked to lisanna about the deal i made with laxus.
"so if you go on a mission similar to that ever again you will not leave his house for a week and will be his sex slave" lisanna repeated as i nodded.
"ooh babe sounds like a good deal were doing it go on a mission like that" natsu said kissing lisanna's neck where a hickey was placed.
looking in the mirror on laxus nightstand i saw i had a hickey as well. On my right breast and my neck.
"blondie you gonna get ready" laxus asked as i looked at him.
"im going somewhere" i asked confused.
"no blondie your just going with me" he said sarcam evident in his voice i pouted.
"i cant walk quite frankly" i said as he signed.
"bye lisanna" he said hanging up my phone.
Pulling the cover off me he grabbed a pair a leggins some of my laced lingerie and on of his shirts. He placed on the undergarments then the leggings before helping me into his shirt.
"try to stand" he offered a hand. Taking it i tried to stand only for me to almost fall but he caight me.
"wow i Guess i didnt know my own strength" he said picking me up bridal style grabbing our phones as i placed my hair in a messy bun. He lightning teleported us to the guild just as everyone else showed up. I saw the girls with their guys all looking worn out. Juvia looked the best out of everyone as lyon also carried her.
"lets go settle the score" lyon stated as all the boys muttered their approval.
"everyone better grab on or im leaving you" laxus warned the guys picking up their girls the all grabbed hold of laxus who teleported inside of sabertooths guild hall to see everyome getting festive. All the guys from the photoshoot having a blast the stared in shock as we all appeared.
Gajeel stepped forward as levy jumped out of his arms.
"you touched whats mine i say we even the score" gajeel said eyes glaring at rogue. Laxus sat me on a table with the other girls as lightning appeared every where.
"come out you artificial lightning" laxus shputed scaring all the guild members laxus wasnt the only one who got "fired up" so did the other guys showing just how much magic they held. It was sorta scary if they were not on our side. Orga jumped down from the second floor.
"did i touch what was yours oh im sorry let me remember next time i fantisize about her that she belongs to someone but is moaning under me" he taunted as i wrinkled my nose in utter disgust laxus looked pissed off as he charged at orga knocking tge wind out of him as he attacked hit after hit the other guys frinding their intended foe as all hell was let loose before i knew what happened master barged in and made his hand large as he struggled to get laxus to back from orga. Seeing that is was not working i walked over to laxus laying a palm on his shoulder getting him to stop.
"he is not moving he's unconsious lets go" i said as he nodded looking quite pleased along with the other guys.
"laxus" master yelled as laxus ignored him picking me up.
"im not apologizing gramps he deserved that you dont touch a dragons mate" laxus said as i hugged closer to his chest burrying my face.
"I wanna cuddle" i whispered so only he heard. He chuckled.
"I say we go celebrate" natsu said flames coming out of his mouth.
"What do you have in mind" lyon asked.
"karaoke" gajeel said as i shook my head.
"nope not happening some of us dont have the vocal cords." i said as natsu and erza looked at me with amusement.
"gihi bunny girl like I believe that you love to sing when you get bored" gajeel said as laxus looked at me.
"you can sing" he asked curiously as i shook my head.
"i sound like a dying cat" i said as natsu pointed at me.
"yeah right like we believe that erza make her sing" natsu said as erza looked at me.
"lucy sing or face the consequences" erza said
"around all these people no thank you" i said stubbornly as laxus chuckled.
"not like any one is gonna laugh at you while im standing here" he said as i signed.
"natsu you owe me" i said as he gave me a thumbs up.
"i warned yall" as said as i started to sing.
"I got the eye of the tiger, a fighter
Dancing through the fire
'Cause I am a champion, and you're gonna hear me roar
Louder, louder than a lion
'Cause I am a champion, and you're gonna hear me roar!" i sang before hiding in laxus jacket as everyone stared at me in shock laxus included.
"told yall I can't sing" i said as i heard juvia's laughter.
"girl that was far from bad" she s
assured me bringing every one out of their stupidity as the clapped.
"yeah no karaoke she would beat us all" levy said as i laughed denying the claim.
"you rowdy bunch are not going any where any time soon you destroyed their guild think of the cost laxus this is your fault" master yelled looking close to a heart attack.
"yeah old man that is not my doing" laxus said as master chucked a piece of cement at him.
"hey master that could have hit me" i shouted as laxus dodged it.
"yeah like laxus would allow that to happen." master muttered walking out of the sabertooth guild. Everyone else followed behind him.
"lucy" a voice called i looked and saw minerva.
"yes minny" i asked as she looked confused.
"minny" she asked as i blushed.
"oh sorry it slipped i like the nickname" i said as she nodded.
"oh the name is fine it just caught me off gaurd um I uh jost wanted to apologize for everything that I've done im sabertooths new master and I just wanted you to know that these bafoons will be punished to the full extinct" she said as i smiled accepting it.
"all is forgiven though i think you should apologize to juvia and when you punish them make sure you knee orga in the balls as hard as possible then all crimes are forgiven" i said as laxus chuckled. I waved as laxus carried me out i saw the guildmembers were gone laxus teleported us to the front of the guild hall. We went inside to see asuka crying as alzack and bisca held her looking roughed up.
"what the hell happened to you" laxus as bisca looked up.
"lucy im so sorry we tried to save her really we did" bisca said as i got off of laxus.
"what do you mean im confused." i said as bisca grabbed ahold of my shirt holding me as she cried.
"after we finished our mission chloe begged us to let her go to the park. We agreed and just as we were heading here a dark guild attacked us claiming fairytail was going down we faught them we really did but a mage grabbed chloe and teleported away with her before we could stop them" alzack explained as the guild went deathly quiet. I tried to stop my heart from beating so fast as the world around me became dull.
"lucy calm down now" lizzy said as my breathing became rigid.
"everyone back up now" jason warned as lizzy held my hands.
"whats happening to her" laxus shouted as i became unsteady.
"she is having a heart attack" jason explained.
"child i have witnesser heart attacks before and nothing comes close to this" master said lookimg worried.
"thats because this heart attack is  taking all her magic and if you dont back up your all as good as dead trust me she destroyed the west wing of the heartfilia mansion during her heart attack as a kid." lizzy said as she tried to get me to calm down.
"jet get porlyusica" juvia screamed. He nodded racing off.
"damnit lucy calm the hell down" jason yelled creating a barrier.
"she isnt in control god how did auntie layla stop this" lizzy said as i fell to the floor my chest squeezing in pain.
"lucy" the guild screamed. I looked around catching laxus worried glance.
My vision went black.

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